
Home » Random » Code for 3 FREE Summer SCARVES (you pay shipping!)…so many adorable styles!

Code for 3 FREE Summer SCARVES (you pay shipping!)…so many adorable styles!

First of all, Happy Memorial Day!  Truly, my heart swells thinking about the number of servicemen and women who choose to fight for our country’s freedom.  Your dedication is inspiring.  Thank you.

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It’s a holiday here in the U.S…….and I have something extra special to celebrate!


iScarf2 is offering Make It and Love It readers a special coupon code for 3 FREE Scarves (a $30 value)!  You just pay the shipping.  That’s it.


Ummmmm, yes please!  And because these scarves are light and airy……they’re perfect as a spring/summer accessory.


But the best part — this iScarf2 is a relatively new shop, started by two young girls Makayla and Bridges…….who aren’t just running a lemonade stand.  They have spent months and months researching how to run a business and become little entrepreneurs.  They answer emails during the week (after school) and ship packages out on the weekend.  (I wonder if their mom still makes them clean bathrooms?!! Ha.)  Read their About Us section if you have a section.  It shares a lot……and is darling. :)




They have so many darling scarves to choose from…..stripes, solids, and chevrons. 

And in so many colors!



And Makayla and Bridges have made little How-To-Videos, sharing all the many, many ways you can wear a scarf.  Such sweet girls…..I love that they put these together! :)




And they asked if they could offer you readers a special offer for, well, FREE scarves.  3 of them!  Shipping is $13.99 but at least it comes right to your door.  No shopping in stores or fighting a crowd for a really good sale (and that’s priceless in my book.  Ha!).  SoI told them I would love to share a special coupon code with you guys!


Just add 3 scarves to your cart and use the code MAKEIT at checkout.

And Makayla and Bridges will ship it right to you.

(and because they’re just starting out, they can only offer this code and their product to US residents.  They’re trying really hard to expand this…..but for now, that’s all they can do.)



Thanks Makayla and Bridges!  And a huge thumbs up to you girls!


Enjoy your scarves!  And enjoy your Memorial Day!


Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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