
Home » DIY Tutorials » My Book: “NO-SEW LOVE” (…I can’t believe it’s DONE!)

My Book: “NO-SEW LOVE” (…I can’t believe it’s DONE!)

 I have been talking about this book I have been writing for months and months.  Aaaaand months.  Remember how it was my secret little project that I worked on all last spring, most of the summer, okay….and most of the fall too?  Who am I kidding…..I worked on it all Winter and bits and pieces of spring too.  Those edits caused 10 pounds of pure chocolate weight gain, I swear. :)


Haha…..but it’s been an incredible experience too.  Working with an agent, a publisher, a designer, an editor.  Wow, so much to learn.  I can’t believe my part is truly done though.  Now, we just wait while it’s printed.  Did you know it takes 3 months to print your finished book?  I’m sure they must be hand painting my cover. ;)  Haha, not really.  But August 5th is the big day.  Which is also our 9th wedding anniversary.  Good day, eh?  (Oh, and it’s only 2 weeks after this baby boy of ours is due. Who’s idea was it to have these 2 babies arrive around the same time?  Ack!)


But anyway, that’s the boring stuff (…unless it interests you. Because if it does, I can totally leak the nitty gritty of book publishing.  It actually is kinda interesting.)  But, look out friends, I FINALLY get to share more about this book!  And what it’s about.  And what kind of projects you can find inside.  Ack………I’m so excited!!!!


But here she is, in all her little book-bound glory: No-Sew Love



Yep, 50 COMPLETE PROJECTS…….and they’re all NO-SEW!



And here’s the back cover of “No-Sew Love”:




Wait, what?!?!  The majority of the projects on this site use a sewing machine and I wrote a WHOLE BOOK that doesn’t involve one single thread?


Ha.  I know.  The idea was a little crazy at first (considering my love for my sewing machine) but the more I got thinking about it, the more I fell in love with the concept.  Because I wanted a book full of true NO-SEW projects……not “low-sew” or “sometimes you’ll need a needle and thread“. 


So…….I kinda fell in love with the challenge.  There are plenty of sewing books out there—so I really wanted to design and construct items that you would normally sew, but you could ditch the needles and thread.  So no, not a bunch of art projects, home decor, or canvas paintings.  I wanted real projects that you would normally have to pull out the sewing machine for.  So I started thinking and drafting and collecting ideas……and oh, they just wouldn’t stop.  My excitement and adrenaline took over.  30 project ideas turned into 40, which turned into 45 ideas, and then finally 50 ideas made the cut!  And I created them all with the the following people in mind:

  • those who don’t sew (but would really like to add special handmade items to their home, wardrobe, decor, etc.)
  • those who are learning to sew, but don’t love their technique
  • those who hate hauling out their machine, supplies, etc
  • those who want a little change of pace
  • those who want to coordinate a nice group project, but don’t have access to (or outlets for) 12 sewing machines
  • those who are waiting for their sewing machine to be serviced
  • okay, anyone! :)


Yeah, that includes a whole lot of people.  But even for those who love to sew (like me!), sometimes I don’t want to bother.  So these projects turned out to be really fun for me to make.


::: throw pillow ::: reversible table runner :::



And I bet you’re wondering if it’s just a whole lot of fabric, hot-glued together.  Nope.  This isn’t a hot-glue-gun book either (though it is used from time to time).  I used a variety of different adhesives and techniques to avoid sewing……and even share my favorite brands that I’ve tested and worked with and fell in LOVE with.  There are some definite winners, but also some brands that don’t hold anything together at all.  Ugggh.  But I talk all about that in the book.

::: tote ::: boy’s bowtie ::: girl’s skirt :::



“No-Sew Love” has 6 different chapters: Home Decor, Kids, Accessories, Clothing, Holiday, and Re-purposing……so no matter what your interests/needs are, I’ve got you covered!

::: woven clutch ::: pacifier clip ::: fabric mobile :::



Anyway, thanks for your excitement, your really sweet emails, your encouragement, etc.  Even though the blog had a few dry-spells over the past year and my children ate cereal many nights for dinner (and my poor bathrooms were neglected, uggh)…..everyone has been so supportive.  Let me tell you, I have gotten so many virtual high-fives—it’s unreal!  So thank you!  Oh, and that husband of mine (remember that Steve guy?)…….he needs his own little vacation for hanging in there through all of this. 


Gimme a second while I Iet out one big ol’ sigh of relief!  So happy to see this whole concept come together as one complete book.  Ahhhhhh……it’s FINISHED!


And yeah, with that excitement comes a few nerves.  Okay, a lot of nerves.  But I really hope you like it.  After all, I created it with all of you in mind!


Anyway, I’ll keep you posted with more book info as I hear.  My very own copy is on its way.  Can’t wait! :)



Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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