Guess what’s knocking on our door?!?! OCTOBER!! And do you know why I scream-typed OCTOBER all excited at you? No, not because I get to turn off my air conditioning. Or that the sun is going down earlier so my kids fall asleep sooner at night. Or that I get to start wearing sweaters to hide those extra pumpkin recipes I’ve been snacking on. (Though, those are all really good things about October.) No, the biggest reason I’m so excited for October is……HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!!!!!!
Costumes are my absolute favorite thing to sew. The excitement, the humor, the frill, the obnoxious detail……I love it all! And ooooh, the costume decisions have been made by my kiddos and the first batch of fabric has been purchased. Elli is so excited that hers is being put together first. And I can hardly wait to share! However, I’m not only going to be sharing my own kids’ costumes this year…….but I’m also going to be sewing simpler costume ideas all month to share with you guys. Because I love costumes that much! (And maybe giving a few away….because what in the world will I do with them all?)
So, because I’m overly excited about Halloween PLUS really excited to meet some of you in Denver this weekend for a book signing (are you coming? please do! more details HERE)……..I’m going to share a little Halloween project directly from my book, “No-Sew Love”.
A fun and playful Halloween Table Runner…..with little spiders hanging from strands of “web”.
And nope, not one thing is sewn together. So don’t even bother hauling out that sewing machine or asking to borrow one from a friend. All you need is an iron, a bit of fusible adhesive, and of course — fabric. Nice and simple.
The fun little spiders hang from each end of the runner and add the perfect amount of whimsy to your Halloween decor. And if you want more spiders, add more! If you want all different lengths of web strands for your spiders to hang from, change it up! Such a fun detail.
An easy project to do real quick, right before October arrives!
***If you need to clean the runner, the spiders can be removed and then re-attached if needed.
Ready to see how simple this is to make without a sewing machine?
(However, if you’d prefer to make this WITH your sewing machine, go ahead! The measurements and instructions would be the same.)
Skill Level: II
Time Estimate: 60 minutes
**Finished table runner measures 14 inches wide by 102 inches long. If you prefer a shorter or longer runner, adjust accordingly.
1. Cut 2 pieces of fabric 15 by 103 inches. Place both pieces together with right sides together. Match up sides and ends and pin in place. Unpin the fabric at one of the 15-inch-long ends and fold the top layer of fabric back a few inches. Place fusible adhesive tape along the very edge of the bottom piece (at one end) and a few inches up each side. Fold the top fabric back over, match up the edges again, and iron in place, fusing the layers together per your adhesive’s instructions.
2. Continue down the length of the table runner, fusing the 2 layers together along the raw edges, about 15 or so inches at a time.
3. Once you reach the end, place fusible adhesive tape around the remaining top and bottom edges and along the end, leaving a 10 inch gap without any adhesive between the two corners (which will be used for turning it right side out). Fuse the remaining edges together with your iron, making sure that your gap was left un-fused.
4. Trim off all four corners, being careful not to cut through the adhesive completely. You are just taking away some bulk before turning it right side out so that your corners will lay flat but you don’t want to have a hole when you turn your corner right side out.
5. Turn the table runner right side out through the opening, poking each corner out gently with the closed tip of your scissors. (Don’t poke too hard or you’ll create a hole.)
6. Fold the edges of the opening towards the inside 1/2 inch and iron flat. Iron the rest of the table runner flat as well.
7. Place a strip of fusible adhesive tape along the inside edge of the opening, between the layers of fabric, to close the opening. Be sure the tape won’t show from the outside. Iron to seal completely shut.
8. For each eyelet that you attach to your table runner, you will need an eyelet front (taller barrel), an eyelet back (shorter barrel), a hammer plate, and a hammer post.
9. Lay a measuring tape along one of the 14-inch wide ends, to mark the placement of each eyelet. Place one at the 2-inch mark, the next at the 7-inch mark and the last at the 12-inch mark, and all of them about a 1/2 inch from the bottom edge.
10. Place an eyelet back at each location and use it as a template to trace around the inside edge of the barrel.
11. Cut out the circle with scissors.
12. Place the eyelet front through the hole from the right side of the table runner, forcing the barrel to poke up through to the back side of the runner.
13. Flip the table runner to the back side and fit an eyelet back around the barrel of the eyelet front piece.
14. Slide the hammer plate underneath the eyelet front and then fit the hammer post right on top of the eyelet back. Tap the top of the hammer post with a hammer a few times, until both eyelet pieces compress and pinch the fabric in between nice and tight. Repeat with the other two eyelets on this end of the table runner. Repeat steps 9 through 14 at the other end of the table runner.
15. If your spiders are part of a plastic ring, cut the ring portion off.
16. Tie some quilting thread around the middle of the spider, knotting it several times on the belly side of the spider. Leave the thread hanging by 12 to 14 inches.
17. Trim the shorter end of the thread to about 1/8 inch and then use a black permanent marker to color the thread around the spider black so that the only white thread you can see looks like it’s a spider web coming out of the spider.
18. Add a dot of epoxy glue on the belly of the spider, securing the thread, and knot in place. [38NoSew018]
19. Tie the other end of the thread to the table runner through one of the eyelets.
20. Rotate the knot to the back side of the table runner, trimming down the shorter end of the thread. Attach the other 5 spiders to the table runner the same way, staggering the lengths of each spider if desired.
Now, display on your table…..and enjoy!