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Simple DIY Baby Onesie Ideas

Oh my, do I ever love sewing anything that has to do with babies!  Whether it’s for my own baby….or a baby gift for someone else.  The project not only comes together pretty quickly (because babies are little…which means less fabric and supplies), but also because itty bitty baby anything, is just so DARN CUTE to make!!

I went to a baby shower about a month ago and as part of her gift (and part of the hanging decor), I whipped up a few onesies for her new baby Calvin.  And because they turned out so cute, I wanted to share these simple DIY Baby Onesie Ideas I came up with!  Because who knows, maybe a few of you have a baby shower to attend this very weekend! ;)

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And then because I loved how they turned out…..I added the little rain cloud design onto a blank onesie for Max, and let him join in on the fun too.

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And just as a side note……who said Max was allowed to get SO BIG?!?!  (My “rule book” says the baby of the family is supposed to stay micro mini—–but I swear he’s bigger than all of my other kids at this age. Waaaaaah!)

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Back to the onesies…..these really are a fun gift to give, because you can personalize them.  Which makes them one-of-a-kind!

This little hot air balloon turned out really sweet….and would be cute for either a boy or a girl!  And all you need are a few scraps of fabric and 2 little buttons.  Done.

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And oh my… guys know my love for suspenders and bowties on baby boys.  I actually created this design back when Oliver (who’s 3 1/2 now) was a baby. ((Bowtie Onesie with Suspenders Tutorial —>HERE))

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And yep, the bow tie is interchangeable.  (Or even if you make just one…’s just nice to have it removable so it doesn’t get crumpled in the wash.)

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This little iron-on rain cloud design is so sweet, and again, is darling for both boys and girls!  (Even if you don’t have a vinyl cutter… can make this.  More info down below.)

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Did I mention I love suspenders on babies?  And look how cutie-pie hilarious they are on Max, with his little rain cloud shirt!!!

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((Sometimes modeling for mom gets exhausting. Ha! Okay, really it’s because this big 10 month isn’t super stable on that squishy arm chair.  Whoops!))

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Now Max is back to work…..and in position! ;)

(He was making that face and  squealing/squawking at some of the bigger kids who were standing behind me, getting Max to smile while I was snapping a few pictures.  One thing is for sure….the baby of the family sure knows how to boss around the bigger kids.  I’m pretty sure he was telling them, “…hey, back off, I’ve got this! Let me do my thing!”  It’s actually kinda funny to watch him interact with all the bigger kids, even at such a young age.)

Good grief, I love this baby boy!

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Okay, enough about Max (who I realize hasn’t made nearly enough appearances around here)…..and back to these super simple onesies!

Let me show you how to whip these up!



  • Plain Baby Onesies (I have found a few colors at Hobby Lobby. But for more options/sizes, I have bought and love these onesies.)
  • Scrap fabric (for the hot air balloon)
  • Hot air balloon template (HERE)
  • Fusible Adhesive for the hot air balloon (more about fusible adhesive HERE)
  • Iron-on vinyl  (I have used a variety of brands…..but this Cricut brand can be bought locally and online.)
  • Rain cloud template (HERE….you can upload this file into your vinyl cutter program and trace it, or cut this out and trace it onto freezer paper to make a stencil.)
  • Freezer paper (If you want to create a stencil and paint on the rain cloud design.  More on freezer paper HERE.)
  • Acrylic paint, any color (If you want to create a stencil and paint on the rain cloud design.  More on freezer paper here.)
  • Bowtie Onesie with Suspenders tutorial HERE

***If you don’t have a vinyl cutter (like a Silhouette or Cricut), you can always cut the design out yourself and iron it on piece by piece.  Or, you can do the Freezer paper method and use acrylic paint.  I love the paint method as well… turns out very cute! :)  (More about Freezer Paper stenciling here.)


Okay, first up…..the Hot Air Balloon.

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Cut out your template pieces (linked up above).  Iron some of your fusible adhesive onto the WRONG side of your fabric.  Trace your template pieces onto the paper side of the adhesive.

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Cut your pieces out and then peel off the paper backing, leaving the adhesive layer on the fabric.

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Place the adhesive side down onto your onesie and iron in place by pressing straight on top.  (Don’t pull or drag your iron.)

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Use a zig-zag stitch around the edges of the fabric and then create some straight stitches to connect the basket to the balloon….to make it look like rope.

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Hand sew 2 little buttons to the upper corners of the basket.  And that’s it!

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Next up……the rain cloud onesie.  You can either use the template up above and trace it using your vinyl cutter program (works with both Silhouette and Cricut) and then cut it out with iron-on vinyl……or you can cut out the pieces of the template and trace it onto freezer paper.  Then cut out the shape and then iron the negative space of the freezer paper onto your onesie, blot paint onto the interior design with a sponge brush and let dry.  (To see more of the process, check out this Stenciled Onesie tutorial HERE.)  (Oh, and more about Freezer Paper HERE.)

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Oh, and don’t forget the Interchangeable Bowtie Onesie with Suspenders tutorial HERE.

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All fun ideas….and all pretty quick to put together!  I hope they’re helpful.




Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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