Today’s contributor is Tiffany from Making the World Cuter. All posts written by Tiffany for Make It and Love It, can be found here.
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Hi, it’s Tiffany from Making the World Cuter!
There comes a time in life when you look around your home and realize that you have a “style.” It’s a glorious day. If you haven’t reached it yet, just wait…it will make you supremely happy. If you have reached it, wasn’t it amazing? I remember only a few years ago that I looked around my house and couldn’t for the life of me tell you what my style was. In the kitchen, I had pops of caribbean blues and hot pinks. I had hung lime green on tiny half walls. There were red pots and a brown leather sofa. Black and white photos hung on the wall over a black wood entertainment cabinet. I liked everything, but didn’t love any of it. The only thing that gave me utter interior joy was my white walls.
When I started remodeling my house and told everyone I wanted the whole thing white, most of my friends and family thought I was completely insane. They would tell my I had four kids…like I had forgotten that fact. I tried not to let it bother me, but it definitely made me question if I was making design mistakes.
This DIY three tiered fall frame will not make anyone question your style choices! You can paint it any color you want, and it would make such a gorgeous gift for the holidays! It doesn’t have to be fancied up for fall, it would super cute with Christmas decorations on it, or any other holiday for that matter!
The best part about this piece, is decorating it! The cork is perfect for photos or recipes.
The chicken wire could hang any number of decorations, but those little candle wreaths fit PERFECTLY!
The chalkboard is obvious. Just write something cute on it!
The nice thing about these, is that they can be personalized for almost any style. Mine is obviously white and sits on my white counter against my white wall. I do add color with garlands and wreaths, but keep it minimal.
Okay, let’s get started…
Step 1: Make your cuts. Nothing too fancy here, just measure and cut. Sand the edges.
Step 2: Build your frame. Begin by gluing the pieces together with wood glue. I have sung the praises of my RYOBI nail gun before, and I will do it again. I love this tool. It makes me feel powerful, and I can whip projects up super fast! You’re just making a rectangle with the shorter pieces inside of the longer pieces. Repeat with the other two frames.
*If you don’t have a nail gun, you can also use a hammer and small brad nails.
Step 3: Paint your frames. You don’t have to worry about the back side of the frame.
**You can fill the holes from the nails if you want, or just leave them. Just your own personal preference.
Now here is when we start making this cuter! You need three backgrounds for the frames.
Steps 4-6: The piece of wood just needs to be painted with chalkboard paint. The cork you can cut out with scissors and the chicken wire will need to be trimmed with wire cutters.
Steps 7-9: Attach the backs to the back of the frames. I used a staple gun for the cork and the chicken wire, and the nail gun with a shorter nail for the chalkboard.
Next we will put the frames together to make the three tiered look we are going for.
Step 10: Use wood glue and attach the frame in the order you want them, then take your nail gun and nail them together. The wood glue gives the piece more stability and will ensure that it won’t come apart…especially if you decide to hang it.
If you want to hang it, you can staple ribbon onto the backside of the frames and tie a bow on top to hang it from a hook or a nail. Or you can use the sawtooth hangers and hang it in a more permanent location.
I like mine just sitting on the counter or mantel.
I still have people come into my home and say things like, “Whoa, it’s white!” For the most part though there have been an abundance of compliments that it suits me. I have finally realized that you need to find your own style and embrace it. Embrace it, no matter what. Even if your style is hanging lime green things on your white walls.
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