Today’s contributor is Emma from Crafting{E}! All posts written by Emma for Make It and Love It, can be found HERE.
Hello Make It and Love It readers! Now that the Christmas season is over, the new year is just around the corner. I have the perfect idea for you; a New Year’s eve countdown kit.
Whether you decide to do this with your own family or deliver it to a neighbor, it makes such a fun New Year’s eve activity. The idea behind this New Year’s eve kit is that each hour you get to open a new activity or item.
It’s really up to you what you include in the kit. Some of the things I included are a bottle of sparkling cider, festive party horns, gold foil 2018 balloons, chocolate, and two printables to review the past year and make goals for the next one.
Each item has a sticker on it that specifies when to open each item. It is seriously such a fun way to ring in the new year, not to mention good motivation to stay up until midnight when all you really want to do is sleep :).
It’s time to enjoy your New Year’s eve celebrations!! Leave a comment and let us know what you included in YOUR kit!
For another fun New Year’s ideas, check this out: