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Trying out the Personal Microdermabrasion Device (plus one to GIVE AWAY)



As discussed in this and this post, I was asked to participate in a “New Year New You” campaign with BlogHer and Best Buy.  I have been asked to test out a few items to help me with my new goals for this year and have also been provided with (you too!) the advice of a personal trainer/dietician, found here.  I will be blogging all about it on ‘Make It and Love It’ during January and February.  (All related posts can be found here.) Join with me and healthy up that body of yours too!  -Ashley

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I can’t believe I’m still sticking to this 2012 ‘New Me’ goal.  It’s kinda not like me.  Well, I go through waves of successes and failures……but I’m hanging on tight to the successes this time.  And I have to tell you; it feels good.  January is now over and seriously flew by, whereas normally, January crawls by because there’s usually nothing to look forward to after the Christmas/New Years grand finale of the previous year.


But I have been feeling pretty good all around. I have mostly been meeting my goals (I have failed some, too) and have loved having the structure of a health/fitness plan.


Feeling good about my overall wellness doesn’t just come from visiting the gym or cutting back on the snacks.  I was asked to try out this PMD Home Microderm Abrasion Device that Best Buy sent me. And ooooh, I’m excited to show you how this thing works!


This little microdermabrasion tool removes the top layer of skin on your face and body to reveal your healthier looking skin underneath. You know the feeling, when your face just kinda feels grimy and a little bumpy in spots and has problem areas that just seem rough. This PMD Home Microderm Abrasion Device helps out with that. It comes with finer and more coarse heads, depending on your skin type and even bigger sized heads are included so that you can use this device on your neck and body. Pretty cool.




I get kind of annoyed with facial scrubs and feel like I have to rub and rub to get that icky top layer of grime off my face. Plus I never feel like they do an even job, and sometimes they even hurt. So I was pretty excited when this arrived in the mail to test out.


I followed the instructions, just like it said and washed and dried that face of mine. (Thanks to the husband, you get to see the process. Lucky you.) You are not supposed to use the device near or under your eyes, so because we were taking pictures, I left my eye makeup on. You’re welcome. ;)



Then I plugged in the PMD Home Microderm Abrasion Device (using the head with the finer grit for my sensitive face) and started gliding it across the skin on my face. What happens is that the PMD has slight vacuum action at the tip that suctions the skin right to it; that helps bring blood flow to the surface which also promotes the penetration of moisturizing creams. And while the tip has suctioned your skin (only slightly) up into the tip, the exfoliating disc gently removes the old dead, rough skin. As you move it across a section of skin, the suction and exfoliating continues.


I used the Home Microderm Abrasion Device on my entire face and was surprised how easy it was. I read a few warnings (and watched the 10 minute video) about making sure to not hover over the same spot for too long, as it may cause scabbing. I didn’t have a problem with that at all. I just kept the device moving. I could see a little line of red on my skin right after the area was treated, but that disappeared after a few seconds. Also, the tool is a bit noisy so you may wonder if it’s going to gnaw your face off but don’t be scared; it’s actually pretty gentle. Well, tough, but gentle.



After I finished treating my entire face, there was a visible white substance on my face. Yep, dead skin. So I washed my face again and then applied a moisturizer. (They recommend their own line of toners and moisturizers, but I just used my regular ‘ol face moisturizer.)


I’m not kidding when I tell you I noticed right away that my face was quite a bit softer and smoother. But it would have to be after all that old skin was washed down the drain. Loved that.



I was especially curious if it would help the look and feel of my jaw line, especially right by my ears and neck. I tend to still get blemishes (don’t you dare call them zits) and bumpier skin in that area. It actually really evened things out, even though I doubted that it would. I’m not sure that there is a visible difference yet, but I have only used it twice, a week apart.

I’m hoping that if I continue to use it once a week, I can keep my skin healthy, clean and fresh, and help keep that dirty teenager acne away. Ugggh. (When does that ever go away?!)

(Yeah, it’s much easier being the photographer.)



My overall feeling about the PMD Home Microderm Abrasion Device: Not Bad. (See my “not bad” face down below?  Ha.)  I like to think if I keep the healthier skin exposed and rejuvenated, I won’t have as many issues with dirt and grime being trapped under the dirty top layer of skin. It makes sense in my brain anyway.

 (Remember, I’m in no way a professional.  All opinions and theories are mine.)



I will definitely keep using this little guy. And hopefully he will keep improving my face until it shines like baby skin.

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Would you like to win a free PMD Home Microderm Abrasion Device for yourself?

To be entered for a chance to win, leave me a comment telling me about your favorite skin care products.


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You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the question above
b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.


This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 2/1 – 2/7.



Also be sure to visit the Inspiration to Fitness page on where you can read other bloggersí reviews, get great fitness tips and find more chances to win! You can also click on the Best Buy image at the top of my blog to view a calendar of all the Inspiration to Fitness content. Good luck!



Best Buy does not sponsor, endorse, approve, or have any responsibility for this promotion.


Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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