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YOU Made It and Love It: 2 — A Link Party (and last week’s favorites!)

If you noticed last weekend, I decided that I would finally pull my head out of the sand and figure out how this whole Link Party thing worked.  (Yeah, not as tricky as I thought…..which is why I never did this before.)  But I had so much fun with last week’s Link Party and seeing what all of YOU have been making.  So MUCH great stuff!  I mean, come on, why are we not all living in the same cul-de-sac?!!!


But, like I mentioned last week, I want to share a few (only a few) of my very favorites from last week.


Here we go….



 Autumn from It’s Always Autumn made several decorative pillows and this mustard yellow one stole my heart!  My gosh Autumn, so perfect! :)





Karen from Karen’s Ramblings made these dreamy heart cookies using a wet-on-wet technique.  She made it look so simple……but these cookies look A-Mazing!




Sarah from The Crazy Tailor made the dress, the coat AND the purse for her little girl.  And all from re-purposed items……my favorite kind of project!  Seriously Sarah, SO CUTE!!!




Emma from Find Daily Joy made these darling Valentine Pillows.  How cute are those hanging hearts?  And the simple L-O-V-E letters…  Love them both!






Okay, there are so many I could have featured.  Such great work…..ALL of you!!!

Thanks…..I loved this!

. . . . .



Wanna share again?

Don’t be shy…




Here’s how this party will work…….

Choose an image from a project that you’ve made, and attach it below (there’s a little blue button down there).  Then, next week, I’ll feature a few of my favorites and we’ll start all over again.  (And I’ll be pinning some favorites to my Pinterest account too.)  You guys have so much talent in those crafty fingers of yours……so daggum it, SHARE IT!



Here are a few guidelines:

  • Insert a link back here, to Make It and Love It, into the post of the project you’re sharing…..stating that you’re linking up to this Link Party.  Or you can include the button below right into your post.
  • Don’t link up to giveaways, your own linky parties, your shop, or advertisements.
  • Share the love.  Visit at least 3 other links and show some love to them!  (aka: leave them a comment)


If you’d like a little button to share (instead of just a plain ‘ol boring hyperlink) here’s a button for you to use.  Just copy/paste the code in the scroll box and then insert into the html (the “text” not the “visual”) of your submission’s post. The button, when clicked on, will link directly back to my site.


Make It and Love It
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Now go on, click on the little blue button below, attach your picture (and give it a title, etc) and let’s see what you’ve been up to! :)


And then come back again next week to share what you are MAKE-ing and LOVE-ing!



 **UPDATE: Sorry…..the first link party code wasn’t letting anyone add pictures.  I fixed it and you can re-add now.  Thanks! -Ashley





Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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