
Home » Featured » YOU Made It and Love It: 8 — A Link Party (and last week’s favorites!)

YOU Made It and Love It: 8 — A Link Party (and last week’s favorites!)

How about showing off a few things you’ve been making lately……and join in on the this week’s Link Party!


So, here’s the deal, every Saturday, I will host a You Made It and Love It party, where you can simply click on the blue button at the bottom of the post, add your name, the URL to your project, and upload your image………and then click “done” to share. Your image (and link) will then show up on that exact post, down at the bottom, and all will be able to see what you’ve been creating lately. I kind of think of it as all of you squishing into my craft room, showing off what you’ve been making. I kinda love it! (Don’t forget to bring your own treats…)


Also, each week, I will share some of my favorite uploads from the week before. Just for fun.


Here are only some of the few that I loved:



Melanie from The Crafty Cupboard made this darling Baby Geranium Dress.  And oh, that FABRIC!  Love it all!





Brandy from Gluesticks Blog put together this April Showers themed baby shower and my word, it’s perfectly sweet!  Well done!




Heidi from Lainey Bug’s Closet made these sweet little Ruffled Shorties for her little girl.  How perfect are they poking out from beneath that floral top!  Cute.





Loved them all…….and we’ll share more next week.

. . . . .



Wanna add to this week’s party?

Don’t be shy…



Here’s how this party will work…….

Choose an image from a project that you’ve made, and attach it below (there’s a little blue button down there). Then, next week, I’ll feature a few of my favorites and we’ll start all over again. (And I’ll be pinning some favorites to my Pinterest account too.) You guys have so much talent in those crafty fingers of yours……so daggum it, SHARE IT!



Here are a few guidelines:

  • Insert a link back here, to Make It and Love It, into the post of the project you’re sharing…..stating that you’re linking up to this Link Party. Or you can include the button below right into your post.
  • Don’t link up to giveaways, your own linky parties, your shop, advertisements, or round-ups that you’ve created (i.e….”30+ quick dinner ideas”).  The links should be actual things you’ve MADE.
  • Share the love. Visit at least 3 other links and show some love to them! (aka: leave them a comment)


If you’d like a little button to share (instead of just a plain ‘ol boring hyperlink) here’s a button for you to use. Just copy/paste the code in the scroll box and then insert into the html (the “text” not the “visual”) of your submission’s post. The button, when clicked on, will link directly back to my site.



Make It and Love It
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Now go on, click on the little blue button below, attach your picture (and give it a title, etc) and let’s see what you’ve been up to! :)


And then come back again next week to share what you are MAKE-ing and LOVE-ing!




Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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