
Home » DIY Tutorials » DIY Sewing » Sewing: Clothing » Accessories » DIY Fabric Chapstick Holder

DIY Fabric Chapstick Holder

Let’s talk chapstick today.


Are your lips addicted?  Mine are.  Like, I canNOT fall asleep without chapstick on.  Those dry little lips of mine bug me.  And licking them doesn’t help.  In fact, that makes them worse.  And I don’t like working out with dry lips either.  In fact, I use chapstick many times throughout the day.  And I know, I know…..the more I use it, the more dependent I am.  It’s okay, I know there are others out there like me, also helping to support the chapstick makers of the world. :)


However, those little tubes of lube, are sneaky little suckers.  They always tend to slip down into the cavernous compartments of your purse.  And fall out of pockets into couch cushions.  Or somehow get lost from backpacks.  I swear there’s a little colony of barely used chapstick tubes somewhere, that snuck away LONG before their contents were applied to dry lips.  Grrrrrrr.


Let me show you a fun solution to this.  But not only fun……really QUICK!  As in, maybe 20 minutes.  And that’s only because you need to slow down and use the iron here and there. ;)



Those little chapstick tubes of yours now have a snug place to reside — ready for use!




The holders are created with a key ring so that they can be attached to purse hardware or zipper pulls and hang outside……OR, keep them hidden from unwanted users (i.e. children, or friends with germs…ha!) and hang them from any hardware inside your bags.




And just think of all the places you could stash these, so that you always have your chapstick handy.




And if you love a fun little DIY project that you can have on hand to give as gifts (along with a fun set of new chapstick)……this is perfect!




Ready to get sewing???




***These instructions and measurements are to fit a standard tube of chapstick.



Okay, let’s get going!


First, cut your fabric into a 15 inches x 2 1/4 inch strip.  Cut a piece of fusible adhesive the same size.



Iron the interfacing onto the WRONG side of your fabric strip.



Then, fold your strip in half width-wise with RIGHT sides together, matching up the ends evenly.  Then sew along the two long sides, using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.  Don’t sew along either of the two short ends.



Turn this tube of fabric right-side out through the opening at the one end.  Iron flat.  Then zig zag the open end closed.



Then, fold the zig-zag end down 1 1/4 inches.  Sew in place with two different seams….one using a 1/2 inch seam allowance (from the fold) and the other at 5/8 inch allowance.



This is what it looks like from the other side.



Now, fold this folded/sewn end over 2 1/2 inches onto itself (and be sure the zig-zag side is hidden on the inside) and iron it in place.  Then sew a double seam around all the edges of the holder, except for the folded end.  The seam closest to the edge is 1/8 inch and the seam in from that is 1/4 inch.



Now, grab your 1 1/4 inch key fob hardware.



And sandwich the hardware around the top end of the holder (the non-folded end) and center it along the top of the fabric.  Then hammer the hardware flat, squeezing the fabric between the metal.  (UPDATE: a reader also mentioned using pliers to squeeze it shut, with fabric between the pliers and the metal, as not to scratch it. Great idea!)



Attach your key ring.



And that’s it.  So easy……that you should probably make multiples!!!!







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Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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