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20+ Handmade Baby Gift Ideas

OH MY!!!  Love, love, love!  Check out these personalized buttons from Pick Your Plum today.  Holy Toledo…….how cool would it be to add your name, your business, or a love note on your projects.  You could add the buttons to a bag, use them as decor, attach them to a pouch, maybe the straps of girl’s summer dress………ooooooh, the ideas are endless.  Way too unique and fun to not share!  BUTTONS HERE.

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I am frequently asked for ideas for certain occasions.  Weddings, mother’s day, baby gifts, neighbor gifts, etc.  I know it’s easier to see everything categorized into one list……and so I’m trying to create master lists of different project topics that are a little more helpful to glean ideas from.  So, feel free to browse and remember old posts, more recent posts, or posts you never knew existed on here.


Because I gathered about 20 of my favorite projects that would be great to give as a Baby Shower Present, a Baby Birthday Gift, or to just make FOR FUN.


Afterall, it IS spring.  And little baby chicks are hatching right now.  Do you know someone who just had (or is having) a baby this spring??


Hopefully this will be helpful.





I’m sure some of these projects may even seem new……because even I have forgotten about many of them.  And I put the tutorials together……ha!  So it’s fun for me to think about who has a birthday coming up or who’s having a baby.


Something completely fun, vibrant and chewable for baby, would be one (or more) of these Stuffed Fabric Turtles.  I still love seeing these little guys kick around our house.




And a no-fail gift that I love giving, is a little pair of these Baby Boy Booties.




Have you ever carried a car seat in the nook of your arm?  Well, the rubber and plastic pinch your poor arm.  So, adding a Car Seat Handle Cover fixes that problem.  And is cute to boot. :)




Or how about cutting up an old purse/pouch and using the material to make some adorable Baby Girl Flower Sandals.  These still make me smile.




If you know a baby who loves his/her binky……..making a Pacifier Pocket would be the perfect gift for the mom who wants a clean place to store the extra binky.




Gosh, I made these little Felt Hair Clips so long ago (that’s my  6 year old Elli in that picture) but I still love the simplicity of them.  I would use wool felt if I were to make these again but back when I posted these, I didn’t know about wool felt.  (Wool felt just holds up a little better and doesn’t ball up like polyester felt does.)




How about grabbing some of those long sleeved dresses that are clearance right now, cutting off the sleeves, and using the sleeves to make ruffles for the diaper cover.  Yes, it’s only half-homemade…….but no one else will have one like it. Long Sleeve Dress to Short Sleeves. 




I still remember how much fun I had making this Felt Toy Truck.  And it matched one of Connor’s favorite book characters, so it was well loved.  Consider personalizing it for your little recipient. :)




We all know how frustrating the “the the sippy cup” game gets.  So, create a Sippy Cup Leash and any mom will smother you with Thank You’s!!!




Okay, I need to make more of these Baby Shoes from Thrifted Purses.  They cost next to nothing and turn out so darn cute.




These little Stuffed Elephant and Giraffe are a simple construction and so darling to make for any occasion.




Who wouldn’t enjoy a Wearable Blanket for Baby as a gift?  Chloe’s 2 years old now and she still wears one at night.




No more mistaking baby girl for a baby boy.  Make some super soft Wool Felt Hair Accessories to add to those little bald baby girl heads.




These Fabric Toy Blocks and Fabric Baby Rings are something I made so long ago but nothing says LOVE like making some soft and chewable baby toys.  Such a great gift! :)




Diaper Covers are nice but how about making some Ruffled Diaper Covers (from pre-ruffled fabric) instead?  So much fun.




Sweet baby boys and girls both can treasure a Fabric Doll from early on.  And how cute is it to make it look like the little one you’re giving it to.




I don’t know why this is…….but seeing Connor in this Little Guy Tie pattern always makes me melt.  And it’s one of my most favorite items to gift to little boys.




Little baby heads need a bit of covering all year long.  So how about making a few Knit Baby Hats for that new baby you know.




And while we’re talking knit fabric……make a snuggly little Knit Receiving Blanket.  Chloe still cuddles with this one, 2 years later.




Girls need hairbows.  Even those with very little hair.  So whip up some Simple Bow Hair Clips with a No-Slip Grip.  They’ll surely be a hit! :)




If you know of a mom who nurses her baby, it’s always nice to receive a Nursing Cover to keep things a little more private.  It’s also nice to keep distractions away from baby’s eyes.




Little boys and girls both can always use many, many pairs of leggings.  So keep those little legs warm and make a few Super Simple Leggings to give as a gift.




There are several more ideas in my Tutorial Project Category List……but this was just a list of most of my favorites.


I hope that’s helpful.






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Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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