Have you noticed my newest sponsor, Sew Pretty Sew Free? I know many of you are going to jump all over this site…..because it’s an inspirational round-up blog, with links to some sort of Free Sewing Pattern……..EVERY day. No more hunting here, there, and everywhere, looking for some inspiration. You’ll find so many great links and photos of some really fantastic projects. Perfect. :) Go HERE.
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Hey, how’s everyone’s immune system doing lately? Ours are pukey. I think we’re allergic to our new house. Ha……just kidding. The pukes all started right before we moved in. Like, the night before. And cycled through each of my kiddos all last week. And our brand new clothes washer is a lemon (and we’re still waiting on our replacement to be delivered)…..so we have a lot of trash bags filled with, well, smelly laundry. Darn. But hey……we’re making some really great memories around here. ;)
But, let’s talk about something a lot more fun. Like a simple little project that’s easier than easy. And maybe you’ve already done this same thing 17 different times……but I still get excited when I turn something ungly into something much more pleasant to look at.
Hooray for ugly flip-flops!! Because then I can appreciate the make-over that much more. (And yeah, those bows are some sort of sport-jersey type of fabric. Weird.)
Go on, admit that you have an old pair of un-loved flip-flops in your closet.
Don’t ignore them any longer……add some simple beauty to them.
Oh, I better explain something. I have a problem.
Have I told you that I wear a size 12 shoe? (The only thing worse than that……is wearing a size 13. Ha! Sorry if that’s one of you……but really, it’s not that much worse. We’re in the same big-foot boat. ;) ) Anyway, size 12 shoes are pretty hard to find (especially on sale), so the “problem” surfaces any time I see a pair of size 12’s. I run through a checklist of reasons why I may need this pair of shoes sometime during the next century of my life…..and then I usually buy them. Yeah, it’s bad. (Ask Steve!!) So, when I saw these boring black flip-flops at TJ Maxx, I decided I needed them. They’re not just your regular foam flip-flops (which I can buy in the men’s section any time. ha!)……but they were women’s. So a little less boxy, and a little more curvy. Oh, and they’re about a 1/2 step up from the foam ones, on the fancy scale. So, I decided I needed them. And would fancy them up.
A little better, right?
If you’ve done this before, you can skip this mini tutorial…..but if you want to compare notes, see below:
Pinch tight with clothes pins until the epoxy glue dries completely.
And that’s it!
And in case you need a little more flip-flop inspiration……here are a few ways that I completely made over some flip-flops two summers ago. All are fun, all are cheap, and all are pretty simple.
Interchangeable Flip-Flops, Braided Strap Flip-Flops, Beaded Flip-Flops, Ruffled T strap Flip-Flops, and Stretchy Knit with Flowers Flip-Flops.
That’s all for today. I’m off to check on the delivery time for that replacement washer. I have some piles of clothes to wash. :)
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