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DIY Walking Stilts for Kids

Did you think I completely forgot about the giveaway last weekend?  Okay, it sorta slipped my mind.  I’ll post the winner tomorrow.  Promise! :)

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Oh, I have the funnest little thing to share with you today.  And it reminds me so much of my childhood. 


I remember my mom bringing home some homemade wooden walking stilts (but they looked completely different from these) one summer afternoon, and all of us kids walked and walked and walked on those things.  Inside the house, outside on the lawn, along the front porch, in our bedrooms, down the long hall, around the kitchen………..walk, walk, walk.  I remember I tried and tried until I mastered those stilts.  And I loved them.  In fact, I don’t even know what happened to those stilts after that summer.  She probably took them back to her elementary classroom, never to be seen again. Ha!


But I made a different version of stilts yesterday afternoon, for my own kids. 


Only Connor was home at the time and honestly, I figured he’d be super wobbly.  But that kid hopped right on and took off…….like he was born with stilts on his feet.





The best part…….is that these only cost a few dollars to make.  And are PERFECT for all the little kids on your Christmas list this year.  (Or for birthdays, play dates, party favors, etc.)




And once your kiddos master one size bucket, graduate up to a larger size.  The challenge would be fun.




And if you’re worried about the rope length, you can leave some extra length underneath where you tie the rope ends together.




No joke, this kid had a ball with these stilts.  And then when Elli got home, they walked and walked and giggled and walked…….just like I remember doing at their age.  Then they got a little creative and had races and made obstacle courses and loved on those stilts, all evening long.




Off you go kiddo…




Want to make your own set of stilts??




First of all, there may be other options out there……..but I found beach pails to be the most sturdy (and cheapest) option out there.  However, be careful what type of bucket you’re buying.  I purchased these buckets with the ridges at the bottom, because they were the stiffest.  I didn’t want them to stumble off and step on the bucket sideways, and then crack it.  So, squeeze your buckets at the store and be sure they are nice and sturdy.  (I grabbed a few metal buckets and they were too bend-able.  So, I would stay away from those too.)


Oh, and I found these buckets at Party City for $1 each…… all sorts of colors and sizes.  You may want to try the dollar store, Target, etc. as well! :)


Okay, ready??


Take your bucket handles off.




And then drill holes into two opposite sides of the bucket…..near the bottom of the bucket (so that the rope stays near their foot when using the stilts).




Then, thread some rope through the two holes…




…and tie the two ends together on the inside of the bucket.  I left long ends so that I could lengthen the rope if needed.  (I also ended up taping the ends to the inside of the bucket, to keep them from dragging on the ground.)




Then, I made a few more.




Go on, make a few sets.  And watch as your kiddos (or some kiddos that you know) master stilt walking!







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Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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