I know it’s November 7th, but is it still okay to post about Halloween? Just one last itty-bitty post??? :)
One of my kids’ favorite thing to do is look up past pictures of their Halloween costumes on this here blog and giggle about how silly someone’s face was, how cute the youngest child in the photo was, how fun the theme for that year was, etc. They actually remember details about taking the photos that aren’t captured within the captions of each picture…..and I love hearing what they remember. It’s one of the most satisfying parts about creating these costumes for my children each year. And because time slipped away from me this year (and some crazy weather limited my days of taking pictures of the kiddos all together), I didn’t really have time to post pictures of the whole “Wizard of Oz” group until now. Once Halloween passed us by last weekend, I actually said, “oh well.” “There’s always next year.” But then I remembered how much fun my kids have looking back at past Halloween photos and I just couldn’t skip this year. So 2 years from now, when my kids search for “wizard of oz” in my search bar, whew…….this post will pop up.
So here you go, 7 days past Halloween, and one more teeny little Halloween post. You don’t mind, do you? :)
And in case you missed them, here are the links to the tutorials for the Glinda Costume, the Tin Man Costume, the Dorothy Costume, and the Lollipop Munchkin Costume. I had so much fun making these costumes this year……I still can’t believe Halloween is all over. :/
Here they are all together……my 4 little “Wizard of Oz” fanatics!
We took these pictures a couple days before Halloween…..and the weather was awesome! They were also extra giggly and silly about taking pictures as their particular character in the movie. (And can I just tell you
that my favorite part about the photo below, is seeing Oliver’s chubby fist gripped tightly around Elli’s tall wand. He wouldn’t let go. Cracks me up!)
And since Oliver still can’t sit up on his own, we plopped him in this little highchair while taking pictures (with towels around him to hold him up). He was a perfect little Munchkin for Elli to sing her famous, “Come out, Come out, wherever you are…” song to. And hahaha, I still laugh looking at that hair on his “bald” head.
Then Glinda introduced Dorothy to the munchkin. You know, just like the real movie. The girls thought it was so fun to dance in front of their little munchkin brother!
You’ll see in the video below, that Oliver takes his munchkin role very seriously. He even cracks a few funny faces……which makes us all laugh every time we look at this little guy!
Then, it was time to meet the Tin Man. And you know how the Tin Man is rusted and can’t move his joints, when Dorothy finds him in the forest? Well, don’t worry, our little Dorothy just happened to have a can of “Garage Door Lube” in her basket……which just happens to work great on rusted metal joints, in case you don’t have the real stuff. ;)
So Dorothy squirted him up really well, while he stood there frozen like a statue. He eventually loosened right up and then joined Dorothy on her journey to Oz!
All this little man really wanted, was a heart. Which he finally got! (Sometimes I forget how little Connor still is, until he flashes one of his sweet little boy grins………and then I can hardly keep from kissing his cute little cheeks off!)
And here’s the whole group, ready to find this “Great and Powerful Oz” guy. (Yeah, I know these particular characters don’t all go to Oz together in the movie…..but just go with it!)
But not without planting a smooch on the cutest little Munchkin in all the land, first! (Haha…..poor Oliver, so confused by all the hoopla!)
Ahhhhhhh…….we all had so much fun with the theme this year. Steve and I even joined the kiddos and dressed up for our little church Halloween party. I was the wicked witch (pointy hat, black dress/cape, green face, and striped socks) and Steve was the road (he wore sandwich foam boards painted yellow, with lines painted on for the bricks). Pretty simple but a lot of fun! :)
And I’m still surprised at how much fun I have each year, making my kiddos’ costumes. Right before I begin, I get a little anxious, trying to envision how I’m supposed to make the darn things actually turn out…..but once they’re done, I swear to myself that I’ll never buy a real costume. Ha! (Which I know isn’t true….but for now, I get a real kick out of making them!)
Oh sweet babies……I could squeeze you each to bits. You fill this momma’s heart right up! And I’m so glad you all enjoy imaginative play so darn much!
And just for fun (and for tradition’s sake, remember?!!), a little movie to share how much fun these guys really had dressing up in this year’s costumes……and acting out their roles!
(Press play on the video below, enlarge it if you wish….and turn up your sound!)