It’s BABY BOY TIME……..and I can hardly stand it! (In cased you missed it, there is a tiny little fella growing in my belly, as we speak! Er, or type.)
And yeah, there are plenty of girl things on this blog…….so it’s time to set aside the ruffles and the bows and the 23 shades of pink, and let the little boy stuff out! (Even though this obviously can be used for baby girls too……I’m trying to devote this post to boys, since there seems to be less of that out there.)
First up? Receiving blankets.
**And okay, these same blankets can be used for girls too. Girls like nautical/whale items, I know…..but just go with it!  We’re talking BOYS today! :)
I love receiving blankets. I use them more than any other blanket, especially the knit variety. They’re stretchy and soft and cozy……and even a little absorbent (hey, spit-up happens…).
And this baby is coming in July. Yeah, HOT. So these are perfectly light…..but still keeps the chill off brand new skin.
Oh, little whale and anchor……you’re making me so excited to meet this little guy.
The binding may be my favorite part. It gives such a nice punch of color…….and those rounded corners eliminate pesky corners.
Okay, one last reason why I love these — I’m a swaddler. I like to swaddle my babies and keep them snug as a bug. The knit fabric allows for stretch, yet doesn’t overheat.
How fun are these to customize for your own baby, or make a set as a baby gift. Let the momma choose the colors, ask her if there’s a nursery theme, cut out the letters of the baby’s name, etc… So fun. So personal!
Love them! And I can’t wait to wrap this little guy in his brand new blankies!
Want to make some too?
Maybe you remember…..but I made some similar Knit Receiving Blankets (and hats too) when I was pregnant with Chloe.
These little boy receiving blankets are exactly the same… go ahead and follow the link above and make a few.
The whale and anchor are attached the same way too.
If you’d like to use my whale and anchor templates, feel free. You can find ALL TEMPLATES HERE.
But first, iron some Fusible Adhesive to the WRONG side of the fabric, giving yourself a large enough area to trace your shapes. (Confused about Fusible Adhesive??)
Then, trace your shape right onto the paper side of the adhesive.
Cut your shape out and then peel the paper backing right off.
Place the shiny side of your shape down onto your blanket, wherever you’d like it……and then iron down to activate the adhesive. Follow the instructions on your packaging and be sure to lift and press….don’t drag or pull the iron across the fabric.
Then, stitch around your shape with a straight or zig-zag stitch. (If you’re using knit fabric for your shapes, you don’t have to worry about it fraying… a straight seam works great!)
And that’s it.
A fun and personalized receiving blanket for your little guy (or a little guy you know)!
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