
Home » DIY Tutorials » DIY Holiday » 25+ DIY School (or friend) Valentine Ideas

25+ DIY School (or friend) Valentine Ideas

Sometimes, once in a while, kind of often……….okay, MOST OF THE TIME, I procrastinate.  And most of the time, means, not EVERY time (there is some hope deep down inside…) but it’s a dirty rotten habit of mine that I’m truly working on.  Dentist appointments and play dates included! :)


Soooooo…..Valentine’s Day is coming up.  And for some reason, I have so much fun making Valentine’s with the kids.  Yeah, we have bought the character ones from the store….and those are totally fun and clever too.  But, there’s just something a little more fun and heart-warming about making your own.  Elli and Connor are both in school and I know they’d love to cut/paste/color their own.  It just draws out the excitement of it all.


Anyway, THIS YEAR, I’m going to start sooner.  Like, this weekend.  Or maybe early next week…..unless that falls through, then we can do them next weekend.  Or, well, there’s always the week after.  Ack!!  See?!!  It’s a dirty rotten habit, I tell ya!  I’m going to help them put some together before next week is over.  Period.


So, I have been browsing some super clever and adorable ideas from around the web.  Wanna see some of my favorites?  Maybe you want to get a good head start with me…….don’t fall into the procrastination trap.  It’s ugly! :)




Let me know if you find some others!





Valentine Face Cards by Living Locurto



“Orange You Glad” Valentine’s by Crafting in the Rain



Parachute Valentines by Paging SuperMom



Paper Heart Pouches by In My Own Style



Tic Tac Valentines by Somewhat Simple



You Are Really Sharp by The Crafting Chicks



Blow Me A Kiss by The Frugal Girls



“Frozen” Olaf Valentine’s by One Creative Mommy



Blow Up My Heart by Smart School House



Frog Valentine by The Crafting Chicks



Valentine Pencils by Simply J Studio



Time To Be My Valentine by The Crafting Chicks



Love Bug Valentine by Dandee



Stitched Heart Bookmarks by Thirty Handmade Days



Super Heroes by Little Bit Funky



Fish Valentine by I Heart Naptime



Mustache and Lip Suckers by The Crafting Chicks



Monkey and Lion by Fiskars



Bubble Valentine by Armelle



Bouncy Ball Valentine by Paging SuperMom



“Whistling” Valentine by U Create



Tic Tac Toe by Shim and Sons



Wand Valentine by U Create



Glow Stick Valentines by Delia Creates




You Rock by Fiskars



Candy Filled Valentines by The 36th Avenue



Favorite Fish in the Sea by The Crafting Chicks



You Light Up My Life by eighteen25



Super Cute!  All of them. :)



Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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