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Cinderella Dress Accessories

Did you see the full Cinderella costume tutorial from last week, found here?
Some of you mentioned you were surprised it wasn’t from a pattern.  Thanks……….but I promise the more and more you experiment with creating your own clothes from scratch, the better you’ll get at it too.  You will surprise yourself at times.  I remember when I first started creating clothes from old clothes, I couldn’t believe it actually worked!  So if this Cinderella costume seems a bit too overwhelming for a first no-pattern-project, start with a pair of knit shorts or a skirt…..something more basic.  And go from there.  
With a little patience, you can do it too.   
Anyway, onto the Cinderella accessories.
Cinderella isn’t Cinderella without all of the extras that she wears.  So while you’re sewing anyway, whip up a few accessories to complete her costume.
Like a matching blue headband…..with a stretchy adjustable back.

And the signature neck choker……that’s adjustable and easily removed if it’s bothersome.

Ooooooh, and how about some long fingerless gloves.
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And glass slippers, you ask?  Of course.
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We have had these clear sandals in the dress up box for quite some time, that work great……but you may check out the stores from some glass slippers of your own.  (Try the toy stores or all of the Halloween costume sections that are out right now.)
And the finale…… do we fluff up the full skirt?  
Well, the secret’s out.  
I just used her full pettiskirt that I made her here.
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If your little Cinderella is spinning at full speed, you may get a slight peek of it.  Otherwise, it’s short enough that it stays hidden underneath the long dress.
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Another option (and if you don’t have any non-fray chiffon on hand) is to create a gathered multi-layer slip out of tulle, or even a long tutu.  (Check out the tutu tutorial here.)  
Or if you prefer the dress without the puff…..skip the idea altogether.  I just loved the fullness off adding the pettiskirt underneath.  Delicious.


Ready to make your accessories?
Let’s start with the headband.  
I first cut out a piece of felt to the exact shape that I wanted the headband to be.  I placed it on my little girl’s head as a guide and trimmed and adjusted until I got this shape.  I wanted it a bit wider in the center (at the top of her head), then more narrow as it wrapped down to the sides of her head.  Then I cut out a piece of double sided fusible web that was the same size.  Next, I cut out 2 pieces of satin that I used for the dress here, but cut them out about a 1/2 inch bigger all the way around.
Then I placed the fusible web down on the wrong side of one of the pieces of satin, then placed the felt on top of that.  I ironed the felt down in place.
Then I placed the 2 pieces of satin together, with right sides together, and sewed all the way around the felt.  I made sure to keep my needle right next to the edge of the felt as I was sewing and only sewed along 3 sides……leaving one of the short ends open.
At the other short end that was sewn closed, I trimmed the corners off.
Then I used a pencil (the eraser side) and shoved that finished end of the headband down into itself and worked the pencil down into the headband, helping it to turn itself right side out.
I kept moving the pencil down inside, turning the headband right side out.
After it was turned, I poked out those two corners on the one finished end and then ironed the whole headband flat.
Then I folded over the open end, sewed it in place, then attached a piece of elastic to both ends…..finishing off the headband.
**Be sure that you don’t make the headband too narrow.  Otherwise you won’t be able to turn it right side out, fitting the felt and satin through the opening of the one end.**
That’s it.
Onto the long fingerless gloves.
I first measured my little girls arm and decided how wide to make each glove.  Then I cut out some fabric on the fold, making a point at one end and squared off at the other end.  I also gradually made the fabric wider as it moved away from the pointed end, because the arm gets bigger as you go up.
After you open up the fabric, it should look something like this.  
(Hint: Cut a bit bigger than you’ll need then go wrap it around her arm and see if it’s the right size.  Make sure you’re taking note of the seam allowance and also making it tight enough around the arm to keep it snugTrim it down smaller if needed.)
Then fold down each side of the point edges and sew them into place.  (Hint: Because this was a stretchy knit, it helped to increase my stitch length a bit while sewing such a tiny edge.)
Then I added a little loop of elastic and sewed it right below the point.
Then I folded down the other end of the fabric about 3/8 of an inch, making a casing, and then slid some narrow elastic into the casing with a safety pin.
Then I sewed one end of the elastic to the fabric.  Then I measured this section around my little girl’s arm and how tight we’d need the elastic, then sewed the other end of elastic into place.
Then I folded the glove in half with right sides together, then sewed along the long side……closing off the glove.
Then turn right side out and create another glove the same way.
Now, onto the neck choker.
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I cut and sewed up a long tube of the satin fabric, to fit around my little girl’s neck.  (Every little girl will be a little different……so measure your Cinderella’s neck and decide on the size you’d like, adding a few inches so that the choker will wrap around and attach with velcro.)  I turned the tube of fabric right side out, ironed it flat, tucked under each end a 1/4 inch, then another 1/4 inch, then sewed them into place.  Then I added velcro to each end, making it easily removable and adjustable.
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I also added a little bit of the trimming scraps that were leftover from the dress.  I just placed one end of a strip of the silver trimming in the center, and began sewing around and around in a circle.  You could also add a metal pendent of some sort……or leave it plain.  I think Cinderella’s choker is actually plain.  It’s up to you.
 **I also realized that I forgot earrings.  And this little lady so kindly reminded me that she needed earrings to be Cinderella.  I think we’ll go and check out the Dollar Store.** 
Butthat’s it for Cinderella’s accessories.
 Nicely accessorized.
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Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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