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Michael’s Craft Store – Blogger Event


Wow. I wanted to get this up so much sooner. But with a move, a new baby, and summer craziness…….I’m just now sharing about the fabulous Michael’s Blogger Event. And their incredible generosity.


A few months ago, I was contacted by Michael’s Craft Store, to see if I’d like to attend a blogger event in Dallas Texas, at the beginning of June. Um, yes. At this time, we had no idea we’d be moving to Colorado. So, I called up my mom to see if she’d like to meet me in Dallas (to have some grandma time with our Baby Girl), asked a few great friends to watch the two bigger kiddos while my husband was in class during the day…….and the plan was a go. Hooray.

Of course I’d like to go, Michael’s! Are you kidding? What an honor. Wow. (Now, did you contact the right Ashley?? ;) Ha.)


Click here to see my trip to Dallas, the generous trip from Michael’s…….and a fantastic 2 days with 9 other bloggers. I’m still overwhelmed by the 2 fun filled days of being spoiled rotten.  And crafting with other crafters.


Wish you all could have been there.  Now my mind is turning……..something needs to be set up so I can meet more of you bloggers/readers/crafters.


(And no, I’m not being paid to blog about my trip.  I just loved it……and wanted to share.)


Back row (from left): Kari, Amy, Jen, Me, Alison, Cindy, Kelly

Front row (from left): Amy, Jen, Kami





For lots of pictures……and the whole scoop……click here.



Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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