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Michael’s Dream Tree CHALLENGE 2013

I know, I know……what happened to Thanksgiving?!?!  Well, I’m not skipping it, just getting a little head start on my Christmas tree this year!


And that’s because Michael’s contacted me and asked if I would participate in their Dream Tree Challenge (#JustAddMichaels campaign) and decorate a Christmas Tree, using supplies from their store.  Uhhhh……”YES, pretty please!”  No arm twisting here.  Now that Halloween’s over……..I’m itching for all of the Christmas love to begin.  And hey, thanks to this little challenge, I’ve now got a nice little kick start to my holiday decorating.  (Come on guys, join me!  It feels great!!)


So, I received my 7 foot pre-lit Willow Christmas Tree in the mail and headed to my local Michael’s Craft Store (with a gift card in hand) and browsed around a while, trying to decide on vibrant colors or muted?  Harsh textures or soft?  Stars, angels, or a big bow at the top??  Hmmmmmm.  I don’t mind shopping one bit, so I browsed and browsed and browsed.


And finally decided on this:




A bit of sparkle, touches of soft, some rough, and pretty muted in color…




And a sparkly gold star to sit on top.




To be honest, I have never filled up a tree so full of trimmings………but once I started adding, I couldn’t stop.  And ended up loving all the details on my little tree.








And those two little “rein”deer are a welcome addition to our family.  Chloe sneaks them and tries pushing them in a stroller, while Elli dances with them while singing, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”.  I, however, like them to sit right by the tree.  We all know I’ll just “pretend” to notice the reindeer-napping…..because the sneaking of the reindeer only means my girls are just as excited for Christmas as I am. :)





And one little itty bitty confession…….Christmas music has now been granted access to our home.   We try to wait until after Thanksgiving (which rarely happens anyway…), but who can decorate a tree without your favorite Music tunes?!!  Not me.





And yes, she’s just as beautiful at night.  Ahhhhhhh……….I adore the warmth of those lights, causing everything to glow.






Oh, little Christmas tree.  I adore you.


And thank you Michael’s.  What a treat this was! 

(However, now my kiddos are asking me every hour how many days until Christmas.  Thanks a lot!!! ;) )


Oh, and by the way, I’ll be back later this week, sharing a little tutorial on something that I made using my supplies from Michael’s.  Yay!



And just so you know……

  • Michaels has a large selection of pre-lit high-tip count artificial trees ranging in size from 4 ft. to 7.5 ft. and all the way up to 9 ft. They even come in different shapes, from skinny to full and in-between with some smaller trees coming in different color options
  • Each tree purchased at Michaels comes with a 5 year tree warranty and a 2 year warranty on the lights
  • Stop by your local Michaels November 3 through November 9 for a special tree event
  • The Michaels Décor Guide has tons of ideas and projects to make spreading the holiday cheer throughout your house easy. Navigate through the online version, download a copy, or pick up one at your local Michaels!



Michael’s supplied the tree and supplies to create a tree of my own choice, however, all opinions stated are my own…….and I only promote products I love.  -Ashley



Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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