This weekend I’ll be switching blog designs and layouts. The switchover takes a little time…….but when it’s done, I promise you that navigating this site will be 100 times easier. Or maybe 1000. Yay. It was even getting hard for me to find a few things……so I can only imagine the difficulty for some of you. Eek…sorry.
Anyway, if you click over here and things seem a little wonky, don’t worry……it just takes a bit of time to iron out. So check again the next day. Or the next. (May be perfectly-perfect by Monday??) I have the best little worker bee doing all the grunt work. Thanks Emily!!! If I could get her to fly here to GA from AZ…..I would sit her right down and make her the biggest, most delicious batch of warm gluten free brownies. Because I don’t have regular ones. Haha!!
Just wanted to fill you in on any strange things happening……and to explain the new look. More on that next week.
(My oldest little monkey… the park.)