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DIY Flower Basket Costume

Oh my word, it’s October!  Before we know it……it’ll be Christmas morning!  Fall has to be the speediest season of all and I think that’s mostly because it’s packed with so many things to look forward to.  Ahhhhh…..when it’s springtime, I always say spring is my favorite season.  But come October, I’m smitten with everything Fall!

One of my favorite things about October (as you all know….because I’ve mentioned it about a trillion times) — COSTUMES!  I have been making costumes for years and for me, the most fun ones to make are for kids.  (See all my Halloween Costume tutorials HERE.)

This month, as a Michaels Maker, we were challenged to make, yep, a costume.  Fine by me!  As I walked through the aisles of Michaels, I tried thinking of ideas that were really simple, didn’t involve any sewing, and could be thrown together in 15 minutes or so.  Okay, one more thing…..a bit on the unique side.

That’s when this Flower Basket Costume came to life!  And I know it’s October…..but how does a basket full of bright pink flowers NOT make you happy!


All it takes is a clearanced-out basket (or one you’re not using at home), some flower stems, a bit of ribbon for the shoulder straps….and you have a cheery little costume that no one else will be wearing!


And how does one walk while wearing a basket?  Well, one foot in front of the other!  The bottom of the basket is completely open and since it hits above her knees, walking isn’t an issue at all.  Perfect for trick-or-treating, costume parades, work parties, etc.


I went back and forth, trying to decide if I should put flowers all the way around (I even bought them and stuck them in to test it out), but in the end, I opted not to.  It’s cheaper to leave them off, it’s a little more comfortable without them, and I also figured it doesn’t have to be literal.  It’s a costume….and you totally get what’s going on from the front.  HOWEVER, if you want flowers all the way around, add them in!


Chloe was pleased as punch to test the costume out for me!  (By the way, that blue top she’s wearing is actually a dress.  So yes, she’s fully dressed under there.  I know some of you may wonder! ;) )


Then, she wanted to test out her character role……and got into position on the front porch.  Yep, totally legit.


In fact, we could set Chloe out here on the front porch when we need her to do some spy work for us.  (I don’t know why we’d need to spy on someone standing on our front porch…..but just go with it!)  Because come on, you can’t even tell she’s there, right?!  So sneaky. ;)


Well, until she starts giggling and peeking up at you.  4-year-olds make terrible spies. Just sayin’!! Ha!


Like always, I took way too many photos……but we had a lot of fun with this little costume.  In fact, I started thinking about how fun this costume would be as a group costume….and everyone in the group was a basket of different colored flowers.  OR, one person could be a basket of flowers, the other person could be a bumblebee, and another person a big yellow sun.  Or maybe a butterfly?  Or a caterpillar? You really could go on and on! :)


Want to make one too??



  • a wicker basket, a large plastic bucket or an over-sized flower pot (just be sure it’s large enough to fit around the subject, with plenty of space to walk and add flowers)
  • flowers of any variety (the bigger and puffier they are, they more they’ll cover)
  • 1-inch wide grosgrain ribbon
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hair clip


Okay, let’s get started!

Cut the bottom of your basket out with sharp kitchen scissors or a utility knife.


Then, hot glue a piece of ribbon along the cut edge of the basket, to enclose the pieces of wicker and keep it from unraveling.


Then, if the weave of your basket is big enough, you can loop the ends of your shoulder straps though them to secure them in place.  Otherwise, you can cut larger slits in your basket or use wire to attach them.  I just looped my ends through and then folded the ends back up onto itself and hot glued in place.


And because the weave of my basket was large enough, I slid the flower stems down through the weave to hold them in place.  But you may need to hot glue the stems to the inside of your basket or bucket.


Then, trim off the excess flowers stems.


Before gluing down both ends of my shoulder straps, I actually safety pinned the 2nd ends until I could try the whole thing on my subject, with the flowers in place, etc.  Once you’ve tested it out and adjusted the length of each strap, secure them in place.


Now your costume is ready to go!



For the hair clip, just cut off your flower stem so that the underside is flat….


…..then trim off the extra leaves from your stem and add them to the underside of the flower.  Glue a hair clip in place, then slide into the hair!


That’s it!  This little Flower Basket Costume is complete!




. . . . .
Check out these other simple costume ideas:
Donut Costume
Easy Costumes
Simple Monsters Inc Costumes
Jellyfish Costume
No-Sew Bee Costume
Moana Costume
Inexpensive Costume Ideas
Easy Cat Costume
No-Sew Donut Costume
Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc) Costume
. . . . .

Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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