Do you have your travel plans for the summer?
Does it include a long drive in the car? A long trip on an airplane?
You might need one of these for you or the kiddos.
You might think this carseat would provide great neck support, but no.
She becomes bobble head while snoozing in the car. It’s sad.
Edited to Add: This picture was taken in 2009, while I was still very new at blogging. I plopped my daughter in her carseat for the photo and was most likely in a hurry to snap the picture. The chest clip isn’t high enough, I know. We weren’t going anywhere……it was all for the photo. (I remember, we were just out in the parking lot of our apartment complex at the time.) I should have thought it through better and realized that people would see that chest clip and shriek. But at the time, I was just taking a picture of the project, not even thinking about the chest clip. Sorry if it throws you off a bit…..but yes, we practice safe chest clip placement. :)
Here’s How:
Cut out a horseshoe shape out of paper and make all of the corners curved. I decided to make the part that goes behind the neck a bit more narrow so that it didn’t push my little girl’s neck forward. I drew mine about 10 1/2 inches tall and about 15 inches wide. This size is plenty big for my toddler and I’m sure will work for children of all ages. You might want to increase the dimensions a bit for an adult sized one.
Place on top of any type of fabric and cut out 2 pieces. I used fleece because it’s just so soft.
Sew these two pieces together, right sides together. Make sure to leave an opening a few inches long, to be able to turn it right side out.
Clip the inner curve so that it will lay nicely after you’ve turned it right side out.
Turn right side out and stuff with batting. Hand stitch the opening closed. (Need help with this? Click here.)
Slip around any neck and you’re ready to go.
Caution: might cause drowsiness and extreme comfort if you place around your own neck while driving. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz……….