Remember when I shared those 25+ Valentine Card Ideas for kids? Well, I sat down at the computer with the kids and asked them which one they wanted to make. BIG mistake. They each wanted “this one!“, no wait, “I want that one!“….oh no, no….”I really want THIS one!“. Oh gee. I turned off the computer screen and I told them to think about it and try and narrow it down to ONE idea. Later that evening, I was chatting with Steve at dinner and he had a couple ideas, which I LOVED! And they involved inserting a lollipop into the card.
We have done Lollipop Valentine cards before……but these were a little different.
We explained it to the kiddos……and they were all for it!! (Well, our 2-year-old Chloe still had no clue what we were talking about but when Elli and Connor get excited about anything…..she joins right in!)
We gave the girls a toy bow to hold and let them work their little CUPID magic! Connor is holding a huge foam board heart (painted red). All of them have a little heart lollipop “arrows” inserted into their cards. Easy and done!
I took all of the pictures with my camera, uploaded them to the computer, and then added the text right onto the images in Photoshop. (There are other free programs out there that will do the same thing!)
The girls are holding a toy bow from the $1 store. And both have a little sash of white fabric across their shoulder and chest. You know, just like cupid!! :)
Connor’s heart is cut out of foam board, which I painted red with acrylic paint.
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And because taking a picture of a picture never results in a very high quality image…..I’ll show you the image we printed and then what it looks like after we inserted the heart lollipop.
Chloe thought this was a funny game…..and kept asking us what a “cupid” was.
When taking these pictures of Connor, Steve asked him how many kindergarten girlfriends he had. He said 2. But he insisted they were girls who were “friends”. Yes, that’s right……and you better keep it that way! :)
When do girls tire of dressing up? I keep thinking it will end any day for Elli…..but this girl still completely ADORES it. (And by the way, I never want her 2 front teeth to grow in. That toothless grin kills me!!)
I’m happy (and relieved) to say that Valentine’s cards are officially done!
And yeah, Steve, you totally get all the credit for this one. Thanks!
You still have about 2 weeks to make your own Valentine’s Day cards… worries!