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Something New: YOU Made It and Love It — a LINK Party!
February 8, 2014 - By Ashley Johnston 13 Comments
Hey guys……I’ve been thinking about a few things. Yeah, sometimes this gets me into trouble…..ha! But I’ve been thinking about a few tweaks and improvements that I have been wanting to make here on Make It and Love It. I have some lofty dreams for this space and sometimes I have to shake my own shoulders and remember that my days only have 24 hours in them, just like everyone else. (However, if anyone has a spare hour here or there that they’d like to donate, I’ll take it!)
Want a peek of what’s going on in my brain??
image source
Ha! Okay, not really, but it sometimes it feels like that….
Okay, here’s what is really going on in there:
- This is already on its way……but I mentioned at the end of last year that I wanted to fill the empty blog space with Guest Bloggers. Over 500 forms were submitted (thank you so much…..I read them all!) and the hard part has been narrowing it down. Guest Blogger posts should start popping up in a few weeks, and let me tell you, there is some crazy good talent out there! (And even if you haven’t gotten a response, it doesn’t mean I won’t. There are a few more to send out and I’m going to keep all of your emails and info for the months ahead.) I’m completely giddy to share some fresh projects and lovely bloggers with you.
- Video Tutorials. Oh man, I have had this on my to-do-list for YEARS. Many have asked for me to make some and you know, I get it. Sometimes it’s easier to watch a video of someone installing a zipper, refinishing wood, installing piping, etc. So guess what……they are in progress. Videos just take a little more time. But soon, you will see my crazy face on screen. No laughing! ;)
- I am dying to put some more PDF patterns in my shop. Yeah, I share a lot of free tutorials here and I usually just tell you how to create and draft your own pattern. However, it’s so much easier to have a paper pattern to cut around. I get that too. It just takes more time…….but I’m going to tackle that soon. Do you hear me little shop? You’re about to get bombarded! It’s been way too long… :)
- Okay, this has been on my mind for years……but I need a better way to share YOUR projects. Yeah, I totally love sharing what I am making but that’s only part of the fun. I like seeing what others are doing too. Okay, I have a little flickr account set up….and yeah, it’s been so fun to see what you’re making. However, not everyone notices it. Oh wait, what I’d REALLY like to do is to choose a city to fly to once a month, all of us bring our craft supplies, and then sit together and see what everyone is making. And just party it up! However……my budget won’t allow that. Will yours?
So, that last bullet is what I want to chat about. And since I can’t have 500+ guest bloggers sharing their projects and we can’t all meet up in NYC this weekend, let’s just share right here on my blog.
What am I talking about?!?!
Well, I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I am a total Link Party NEWBIE!! Okay, I finally figured out how it works and am not sure where I’ve been the past few years. I guess I just didn’t know how it worked so I just passed it right by. To be honest, I thought you had to copy and paste everyone’s images into my site……yeah, dumb. (What a ding-dong I am, it’s actually easy as pie!) And then come to find out……..it’s kind of an amazing way for me to see what you’re doing……and then for others to see it too. Seriously, nothing is better than sharing a project with a friend.
Wanna join in?
Here’s how this party will work…….
Choose an image from a project that you’ve made, and attach it below (there’s a little blue button down there). Then, next week, I’ll feature a few of my favorites and we’ll start all over again. (And I’ll be pinning some favorites to my Pinterest account too.) You guys have so much talent in those crafty fingers of yours……so daggum it, SHARE IT!
Here are a few guidelines:
- Insert a link back here, to Make It and Love It, into the post of the project you’re sharing…..stating that you’re linking up to this Link Party. Or you can include the button below right into your post.
- Don’t link up to giveaways, your own linky parties, your shop, or advertisements.
- Share the love. Visit at least 3 other links and show some love to them! (aka: leave them a comment)
If you’d like a little button to share (instead of just a plain ‘ol boring hyperlink) here’s a button for you to copy/paste and then insert into your submission’s post. Just be sure to link it back to Make It and Love It.
To get things started (and because this post is getting boring without any fun pictures)…..here are a few of my favorites from the past few weeks.
Personalized Valentine Cards
Turn a Scarf into a Cowl
The Quickest Toddler Dress
Now go on, click on the blue button below, attach your picture (and give it a title, etc) and let’s see what you’ve been up to! :)
And then come back again next week to share what you are MAKE-ing and LOVE-ing!
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