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Make a Baby Lamb Costume…..a simple tutorial!!

Oh gosh, you guys, it’s that time of year again….HALLOWEEN COSTUME SEASON!!!  This is the time of year when my brain goes on overdrive thinking of ideas for characters, concepts, themes, etc….and I stay up all night finishing costumes because I just can’t stop. I love it so much….especially since anything goes!  Because when it comes to costumes—-the more gawdy, obnoxious, and clever….the better!! Ha! ;)

My kiddos have been giving me specific instructions on what they want to be this year, and I’ll be sharing those in the weeks to come (…I can’t wait!!!).  But I also really love sharing really simple ideas too (like many of my Halloween Costume ideas and tutorials HERE)….because I love showing you guys that you don’t have to settle for the same ol’ costumes at the store.  You can be creative and unique….and have so much fun with it!  And for something like costumes, making it seems to make it look that much better/cooler/funnier/etc!

Anyway, I really get a kick out of making BABY COSTUMES!  They just make me laugh every time because, well, it’s funny to see a tiny baby in a random little costume, right?!  (Seeing pictures of Oliver in that Baby Cow Costume with Udders that I made him a few years ago, STILL makes me crack up! Haha!!!)  Anyway, I made a very simple Baby Lamb Costume for Max to model for us…..and haha, it just makes me laugh to see him all dressed up!

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Haha…..that little fluff ball of cuteness!  I can hardly handle it!!!! ;)

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This Baby Lamb costume is super easy to make and the minimal sewing is optional.  Most of the cuteness comes from all those super fluffy cotton balls!  Perfect for a little lamb, right?!

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The only sewing involved is a simple fleece hat (pattern piece below) that you glue cotton balls to (but you could also buy a white beanie).  That’s the great thing about costumes though, is that it’s only meant to be worn a handful of times, so anything goes (…even hot glue)!!!

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The cotton balls on the body are glued to a onesie — nice and simple!  They also make the costume super soft and cozy…..which made Max sleepy and ready for a nap while we were taking pictures!

Night-night little lamb! :)

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Ha!  I love it so much when a costume idea in my brain comes together….without much effort!  (Almost as much as I love this smiley happy boy!)

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As far as costumes go…..what’s cuter than mixing a cute baby animal with a cute baby human??  Not much! :)

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Want to make your own Baby Lamb Costume??

Okay, here’s how:



***As always, if you need a bit of help with the basic sewing skills used in this tutorial, check out the Sewing 101 post for more help.


Before getting started, print off the baby hat pattern pieces as well as the cow ear pattern pieces (linked up above).  Cut 2 hat pieces out of white felt (sized for a 6 month old….adjust as needed).  Then, use the cow ear pattern piece to cut out 4 ear pieces but cut your lamb ear pieces bigger by 3/4 of an inch around all edges.

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Place 2 of your ear pieces together and sew around the 2 side edges, using a 1/4 inch seam allowance (ear on the left) and then turn right side out (like ear on the right).  Repeat with the other 2 ear pieces, so that you have 2 completed ears.

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Now, to give the ear sort of a floppy look, fold the straight edge of the ear onto itself, close to folding it into thirds.

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Here’s another view of how I folded it.

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Then pin the folds in place and then repeat with the other ear, but fold it the opposite way, so that the ears mirror image each other.  Run a quick seam along the edge of the ear (parallel to where the pins are down below), to hold the folds in place.

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Then, place one of your hat pieces down in front of you with the “V” cut up at the top.  Place your ears face down and along both sides of the hat, but slanted downward.  This slant will help the ears angle downward once the hat is worn….and not straight out.  Pin the ears to the edge of the hat piece.

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Then sew the ears to the edge of the hat piece.

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Then, sew each of the “V” cuts closed on your front and back hat pieces…..just like instructed in the Baby Hat Tutorial.

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Now, place your front and back hat pieces together and sew together along the sides and top, using a ZIG-ZAG stitch (to allow for stretch) and a 1/4 inch seam allowance.

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Trim off the extra ear off fabric.

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Then turn right side out and hem under the bottom edge of the hat….just like the hat tutorial linked above.

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Now, start gluing cotton balls onto the hat.  And because you’re only adding blobs of glue here and there, the hat will still have some stretch to it… don’t overdo the glue, or it won’t stretch as well.  (I used a doll head that was smaller than the hat, so that it wasn’t stretched out at all… hold my hat in the correct shape as I was gluing.)

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Do the same thing with the onesie and add your cotton balls over the entire thing.  Just be sure to not overdo the glue, or it will prohibit the fabric from stretching enough over baby’s head.

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Then, put baby’s black leggings and long sleeved shirt on….and then slip the costume on over that.

And now I dare you to not smile!!! ;)

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For other fun Baby Costume Ideas….check out some of these:

Where’s Waldo Baby Costume


DIY Carrot Costume


Lollipop Munchkin (from Wizard of Oz)


Baby Cow Costume…with Udders




Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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