Today’s contributor is Terra from Mama Says Sew. All posts written by Terra for Make It and Love It can be found HERE.
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Make Your Own Butterfly Mobile!
This pretty butterfly mobile is perfect for any little girl’s bedroom! Since I used a die cut machine to cut out my butterflies, it also made it a very quick project to put together.
I made my butterfly mobile with supplies I already had around my house, so not only was it a quick project, it was a free project, too! My butterflies are made with scrapbook card stock, but you could also use felt to make them more durable. Mine is hanging well out of reach, for safety, so I wasn’t too worried about durability.
I paired two butterfly cut-outs together to give the illusion of a lot of butterflies in flight. With the felt flowers above, this butterfly mobile is reminiscent of butterflies flying through a garden.
The flowers on top are the perfect way to add your own style to this project. Or change it up completely, and add something else hanging from the embroidery hoop to make the mobile fit perfectly with the decor of the room.
To make your butterfly mobile, you will need:
First, assemble your supplies. I have a Big Shot and several dies that I used to make my flowers, but you could also use purchased felt flowers or cut them out by hand. This post has a few felt flower patterns you could use.
Arrange your flowers how you would like them on your embroidery hoop and start gluing away! There’s not really a right or wrong way to do this, but I think they look better when they’re grouped pretty closely together.
Arrange your butterflies how you would like them. Keep in mind they will hang a little differently once they’re attached to the thread or string, but you want to get them basically how you want them. Again, I grouped two butterflies together so that they would have a little more dimension when they were hanging on my butterfly mobile.
For this next step, I used my sewing machine to make it go quickly, but you could also use glue and string. If you use your sewing machine, I recommend an older needle when sewing paper, because, just like with scissors, it’s going to dull your needle.
Sew through the middle of the butterflies, adding a new one after you finish the previous one, until you have a strand of butterflies.
Once you have a strand of butterflies, you can fold the wings out to make your butterflies “fly.”
When you’re finished making butterfly strands, tie (or glue) each strand to the bottom of your embroidery hoop.
Tie or glue a loop of ribbon to the back so you can hang your mobile and you’re done!
Enjoy your new butterfly mobile!
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Mobiles add something special to any room, especially a nursery. Check out a few more cute mobile ideas that we know you’ll love:
Fabric Leaf Hanging Mobile (…or any other shape)
Easy DIY Bird Canopy….for above a BED!