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The Official Denver Meet-Up Details (NEW INFO included)


Can you believe it?  It’s March.  And what’s in March?  My baby’s 1st birthday (oh my!), my 31st birthday (eek!), St. Patrick’s Day (meh, not as cool as the first two), and the Denver Meet Up for all of you who can make it.  (Please read updates and changes to the meet-up below.)


Have you looked at your calendar lately?  The Meet Up is on March 10th……………and March 10th is next Saturday.  Only 9 days away.  Holy smokes!


Kirstin from Kojo Designs (she’s fantastic!) made this great graphic for the meet up.  The colors get me all excited for spring.  Oh, and the Meet Up.





Okay a few changes. 


I wish I would have thought to do this earlier on, so that it was no surprise,

but the meet-up will now cost $1.00. 



I know, kind of spendy (haha) but let me explain why.  Having an official count of those attending has been a little tricky.  Usually when you attend a conference or a seminar or a class, there is a fee so that the teacher (or whoever) has a head count.  And can plan ahead.  (Oh, and pay for supplies and to pay the teacher, etc.  But I’m not worried about that.)  But since this isn’t a conference but more of just a gathering (and a partaaay!) I didn’t want to charge a thing.  I just wanted anyone and everyone to come and hang out, mingle, and make a few things.  And meet new friends!  However, I originally thought it would just be 20 or so people.  But more and more are coming and I get an email here and there that says, “yes, I’m coming, can I bring a few friends??”……..which is fantastic!  But I want to be sure there is enough food and snacks and supplies and freebies for everyone.  Soooooo, the $1.00 will purchase you a ticket that you can print off and bring with you to the meet-up and can be purchased in my shop here.  Then, I will have a running total of how many are coming.  (And if you are bringing 3 friends with you…….you will need to buy a quantity of 4 tickets.  And that will cost $4.  And then print off the ticket 4 times.)  And please, oh please, if you can’t afford the $1 or if you don’t want to purchase something online or if you’re just plain annoyed that you have to now pay $1.00……….just email me ( and I will email you the ticket.  Then I will add you to the official head-count list.  No biggie.  I’m not trying to earn a few extra bucks (I’ll just throw it into the cost of food for the meet-up or something).  I was just hearing from many that, yes, they were coming and may be bringing a few friends.  Or most likely coming but not quite sure.  Which is totally great!  I would love for you to bring a friend!  And I sure hope your schedule will clear out and you can come!  But this will just help me a ton to figure out how many supplies to bring, how many snacks to have on hand, etc.  Whew, and you’ll save my worried heart from wondering if I will have enough of everything for everyone. 



Okay, how does that sound?  Does the $1.00 and the ticket all make sense?  Okay, good.  I promise your $1.00 will get you a ton of great stuff.  We have lots of donations and freebies and treats, etc.  I can hardly wait to share it all with you guys.  Go and purchase your $1.00 ticket here.



Onto other details.




  • I have decided not to do any projects with sewing machines (not enough room), so please don’t bring yours along.  I don’t want you to have to lug that ‘ol thing around with you since we’re not going to be using them.
  • If you’re coming from out of town and need a hotel, the Double Tree (where we’re having the meet-up) is offering a discounted rate of $79.00 a night, for any sized room they have available.  Just mention the “neighborhood rate”.



A few extra party facts:

  • There will be snacks (salty).  And treats (sweet).
  • You won’t go home empty handed.  We have some swag to give out to everyone!
  • There will be extra special giveaways held at 3:00 pm.  Several shops and businesses have donated really cool loot to be given away.  There will most likely be a few given away from my stash as well!
  • Start thinking of a few blogging/sewing/crafting questions that you may have.  We’ll have a little Q&A right around 3:00 pm as well, and you can ask whatever your little heart wants.  (Except for my childhood nickname that my siblings called me.  I won’t tell you that.  Okay, yes I will.  It was Ashy-Pashy-Poo-Poo.  And I hated it.)
  • There will be a few tables with small projects to be made.  All free.  And all can be taken home. 
  • If you can’t find me at the Meet-Up, I’ll be by the candy dishes. ;)



I seriously can hardly wait.  If you’re coming, I hope you’re completely excited!  If you feel nervous about coming to something where you don’t actually “know” anyone, no worries, I’m safe.  And maybe you’ll make many new local friends.


If you have any questions at all, either leave a comment below (others may be wondering the same thing) or send me an email:



And don’t forget, please buy one ticket for you and one for each additional person you may be bringing with you. Purchase ticket here.


See you soon!



Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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