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26 Brilliant Ideas To Make Camping with Kids Easier

Please tell me all of you are finally out for the summer?!!!  We’ve been out for almost 3 weeks now, but I know some of you around the world have still been in school this whole time.  So come on, are you done…..YET?!?! (Okay, except for like our Australia friends who are in school and cooling down for winter right now.) Haha, I know, I know….we’ll head back to school earlier in August, so it evens out! ;)

I’ve been thinking about summer plans and what we need to get ready to visit both sides of the family (wahoo!) in a few weeks.  But Steve and I were talking about a few other things we wanted to do this summer, that we could squeeze in on a long weekend……and camping came up.  We haven’t been camping in so long because I won’t lie, I’m not a huge fan of camping with kids.  However, now that Elli and Connor are older (9 and almost 8) and Chloe is 5….they can do so much more and are so helpful.  Oliver is almost 2 but with so many helpers, it doesn’t seem so bad.  Besides, the older kids love that baby brother of theirs and frankly, like to be his mini mommy (or daddy) when he’ll let them! :)

Anyway, we’ve been thinking of giving camping a try again….so with that, comes some thinking ahead of how to make camping with kids easier.  So, I have been scouring online for tips because I’m always worried if they will be warm enough, safe enough, if they’ll eat enough, and if they’ll have enough to do!  Well, and also ways to help keep my sanity while living outdoors.  And OH MY WORD, I have been finding so many good ideas!  In fact, I’ve been getting really excited to go, just to try some of these ideas out! Ha!  Anyway, let me know in the comments if you have other ideas that you use and love……I’d love to add them to our list! :)


25 Brilliant Ideas To Make Camping with Kids Easier | via
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Hand Washing Station via Do It and How


Shoe organizer to keep clothes in order via Mama Momtourage

Camping Scavenger Hunt Bag via Creative Homemakers


Kids sleeping bags via Amazon

 Camping With Foam Floor Tiles via A Little Campy


Use a storage bin for a bathtub via Living on a Latte

Portable crib that folds up into a backpack via Amazon

Turn a water jug into a nightlight by attaching a headlamp via The Idea King

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Campfire cones via Hip 2 Save

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Anti-Boredom Activity Bags via Creative Capital B


Free camping printables via Classy Clutter

Pill Box Spice Organizer for Camping via Miss Tweedle


Kids camping explorer kit via Amazon

Camping Memory Rock Collection (write down a memory from each camping trip) via Camping Livez


Spread a tarp for babies to play on via Rockies Family Adventures

Glow stick lanterns via Lil Blue Boo

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Camping bunkbeds via Amazon

Kids Camping Snack Basket via Over The Big Moon


Camping tic-tac-toe via Pinterest Summer 2012

Acrylic sun print nature paintings via Craftiments


Portable folding baby highchair via Amazon

Collect leaves and make animals via Atelier Pour Enfants

Kid binoculars via Amazon

Tackle box first aid kit via Sarah on the Blog

Kids sized campfire pizza via Parika Pinot

Glow in the dark bowling via Crafts by Amanda


. . . . .

Maybe camping with kids isn’t your thing…but you still like traveling with them!

Here are 37 Must-Try Ideas for Traveling with Kids!

Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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