My husband jokes every time I get the bottle of Mod Podge out that I’m going to Mod Podge fabric to our computer keys or Mod Podge our kids clothing to their bodies. Hey, don’t tempt me. I know, I may go a little overboard with this stuff…….but I just had to try it on some shoes. Originally, I saw the idea on a site my sister showed me. And the lady Mod Podged starburst wrappers to some shoes. It was cute…….but I wanted to try fabric.
And using some of my favorite fabric. (from Hobby Lobby……which can only be purchased in their stores, not online. Bummer.)
How fun would these be if you matched them to a cute skirt you’ve made? …….Or just wear them with some jeans. So colorful and fun.
Anyway, this is my first time applying fabric to shoes with Mod Podge and I am in no way claiming that this will last on here forever. I imagine it will do pretty well though. However, don’t wear the shoes out in wet weather unless you buy some sort of sealant that will waterproof the shoes.
Edited To Add: Emilee left a comment and mentioned outdoor Mod Podge… Sure enough, I found some online here. (I’m sure you can find it many places.) But this variety is supposed to be water resistant. Perfect for this project. Thanks Emilee!
Do you want to try it out yourself?
Grab a pair of your old flats or buy a nice inexpensive/clearance pair to try it out on. What the heck, these were only a couple of dollars at Wal-Mart. Worth the experiment.
(I cut the bows off.)
Just lay a piece of fabric over the shoe, big enough to cover the entire thing.
Trim around the edges, just so there’s not tons hanging over the edge.
Then make a slit up the back, almost to the top of the scoop in your shoe.
Apply some Mod Podge to the toe of the shoe. Use plenty of it.
Lay your fabric on top of your shoe and stretch it to the contours of the shoe. You want as little puckering as possible along the sole.
And remember, it’s okay if there is fabric hanging over the edge. We’ll take care of that later.
Continue on down the shoe, applying plenty of Mod Podge and pulling the fabric tight as you smooth it down.
As you get to the heel of the shoe, lay one side flat and cut straight up the back. Apply your Mod Podge and smooth out your fabric.
Then fold over the other piece but make sure there’s enough extra to fold over the end and then smooth down, keeping the raw end tucked under.
Then trim the fabric along the curve of the shoe, leaving about a 1/2 inch of fabric.
Then make some slits along the curve of the shoe to make it easier to tuck under the fabric.
Apply Mod Podge to the under side and tuck the fabric under nice and tight.
And then continue tucking along the sides and heel of the shoe.
Now, using an Exacto Knife/Utility Knife (with a really sharp blade), trim off the excess fabric……right next to the sole.
And then cover the entire shoe with a nice thick coat of Mod Podge.
Allow to dry completely.