Wow, its already been a week since the Baby Doll Basket giveaway was supposed to close. Sorry about that…..things have been a little crazy since packing up and moving last week. (More about that below.)
But, better late than never, right? Who’s ready to see who wins a free pattern?!!
Here we go, —
Here are your random numbers:
335 758 31
Congrats Kathy, Christina, and Karen!!!! I’ll send your email addresses over to Dana….and she’ll be sending you your patterns via email. Yay!!!
. . . . .
In other news, WE’RE HERE IN OKLAHOMA! (Remember how we sold our home in Colorado and took a job in OK?)
No more hotels. And no more packing/unpacking/packing/unpacking. However, the kiddos have loved the adventure! Even if it includes sleeping on a sofa sleeper. (Any guesses on which child is “fake” sleeping?)
But one of the funniest things about staying in the hotel, was when Elli picked up the telephone and exclaimed, “MOM, this phone is making a weird sound!!” I had to explain to her what a dial tone was. Ha! Is it obvious we have never had a land line?? Hahaha.
But yes, despite the blizzard we drove through Wednesday evening in Colorado and the “blizzard” we were greeted with here in Oklahoma, we’re HERE!!!
Oh, and the reason the blizzard that we had here in OK is in quotes up above is because the light dusting we found on the ground once we arrived, put the people around us in a panic. So we had to laugh. Because it delayed a lot of services because of the “storm” they were having here. “You need your water turned on?? Oh, sorry, no, because of the weather we won’t be able to come out.” “Oh, you need a new fridge delivered?? Oh sorry, our drivers aren’t driving in the snow.” Haha! I know, I know, I get it. This state isn’t as equipped with the same trucks to clear the snow as Colorado. And the drivers aren’t used to driving in it. So we only tease lovingly. :) However, the flower delivery van drove to our house to deliver flowers (from our Colorado realtor…so sweet!). And our Allied moving truck arrived on Saturday with all our stuff (hallelujah!). And even though the first appliance store we went to refused to deliver a fridge, Lowe’s pulled through for us and the 2 sweetest young guys came and delivered a new fridge for us. I’m telling ya…..the customer service here in the this state, overall, is incredible! Even the girl at Subway was so sweet over the weekend. But, I’m getting off topic. ;)
But in all fairness, the next day when things were actually being delivered….there was more snow. Because LOOK, that’s like a full inch!! Or something… (I kid, I kid.)
We were just fine with things being delayed just a bit…..but the unfortunate thing, was that our water wasn’t working once we moved in Friday evening. It worked during the walk through before we purchased the home, but stopped working once we moved in. After a full day and night of “camping” (which my kids LOVED) in the new house and washing our hands from jugs of water, the builder finally figured it out Saturday night. So, we celebrated by filling up the big master bathtub with warm water and bubbles and let the kiddos take a bath saturday night. But, once we let it out to drain, it started coming up through the other tub, the shower, and all the toilets. Oy! A plumber came out Sunday (bless his heart…seriously!), he realized someone had shoved shop towels in the pipes outside. WHAAAA?!?! They’re not sure how (maybe some sort of prank while the house was being built??) but at least they found them. And then realized there’s some sort of kink that the city is going to have to fix down the line. Wow. But really…..the house has a warranty, so we’re not that worried. Things happen. Especially when a house hasn’t been lived in yet. We’re just grateful we made it here safely, that all the paperwork and financing went through super quick to move here, that there’s heat in this house, etc. Plus, everyone is trying their best to jump on the issues and get them resolved. The builder has been incredible and has felt terrible for everything that has happened. So everything will fall right into place, I’m sure. :)
In the meantime, we’re just glad they gave us a temporary water fix, because 3 of our 4 kids are sick……so not having a functioning washer (because of the water issue), would have been a serious bummer. (We think nebulizers are cool….but Oliver thinks they’re lame!)
But the kiddos are loving exploring the new home. And creating forts out of boxes. And fighting over the biggest and “best” boxes!!! And this little Oliver…..I keep seeing him getting into his crawling stance…..and frankly, I want to push him over. Ha! I’m not ready for him to start moving yet. Please stay a baby for a little longer! ;)
And now…’s time to unpack this mess! Anyone wanna come over? ;)
Anyway, thanks again for all the love while we were moving. You have all been so sweet to us! This little adventure we call life, certainly has had some turns we could have never predicted. But we’re ready for a few new chapters to unfold. And you’re welcome to keep on peeking in….because I’ll be sticking around! :)
Talk to you soon!