I really, really love making little things for babies. You know, like itty bitty baby shoes, frilly dresses, little boy bow ties, cozy baby blankets….it’s all so fun to make. And the best part, it only takes a tiny bit of fabric. I don’t know, I might have a slight obsession…..but it totally makes me happy to create baby things! (Tell me I’m not alone, please!)
HOWEVER, I don’t always have time. I love attending baby showers and I always start thinking right away of what I can make and oooh, I get so excited, and my brain goes on overdrive and then I get really excited (see? I’m a mess!)…..but it doesn’t always happen. (Darn those 24 hour days…they’re NEVER long enough!) So, even though sometimes I find time to make more intricate projects to give to friends….it happens less and less these days. And just so you know, I buy baby gifts too…I don’t feel like I HAVE to make baby gifts, I just really like to. So I have been trying lately to come up with quick baby gifts, that are fun to give, but also include a little piece of my heart!
My latest favorite baby gift to give……are these cute little onesies with iron-on shapes and phrases! You can come up with so many fun ways to customize them. I also decided to create a little tag to add to my Stuffed Car Seat Toys, which is also a quick gift to make.
If you really want to make something but all you have time for is making something like these onesies, why not whip up several of them! Babies use so many of them….gifting a stack of 3 or 4 of them would be such a fun gift, all on its own! OR, you could just make one and then either buy a skirt or shorts to add to it to create an outfit, or spend a little more time and make a skirt or simple shorts to match.
Once of my favorite phrases for a baby onesie, is this “No Hair, Don’t Care” design. HA…..it just cracks me up! (Unless the baby you’re giving it to has a lucky little head full of hair! In that case, you could say “Messy Hair, Don’t Care!”)
But I also REALLY love this “MADE locally” design, which can be placed inside whichever state the baby is from! We just happen to be in Oklahoma….which has a very distinct shape!
These Stuffed Car Seat Toys are a fun gift to give, especially if you don’t know the gender of the baby! I made these car seat toys last year even though Oliver had just barely outgrown his baby car seat. It was an idea I had running around in my head, and I decided to make them anyway and then just stashed them away for a future friends’ baby. I actually kinda forgot I had them but finally remembered I had them several weeks ago when my sweet friend Jess delivered her darling baby Maxwell. Perfect!
Adding the tag to the top not only makes it look a little more professional, it also explains right away what they are! If you’d like to use it, you can find the file for the tag, HERE! Just save it, add it to a word document, set your margins to zero, and print it out. Then you can fold it in half, tape the ends of the toys to the inside, then staple it closed along the bottom of the tag.
Now, just wrap those little gifts right up (or drop them in a gift bag…because, remember we’re going for “quick”) and you have a fun and QUICK little gift to share with a friend! Or hey, maybe these are for you and your baby…and that’s okay too! :)
I shared the link for the car seat toy tag above…..but to create the onesies, I used my Silhouette Craft Cutter to create the shirt designs and then saved them. HERE’S the No Hair Don’t Care file. I’m not sure if you can use this file type for a Cricut because I don’t have one….but maybe you can?? But the design is very simple and is just a rectangle box with the letters inside, and then flipped around to mirror image, so that it would cut out correctly on the fusible vinyl.
For the Oklahoma onesie, I followed this tutorial to find the Oklahoma shape online and then turned it into an outline to use inside my Silhouette program. It was very simple to do! (But if you happen to be from Oklahoma, you can always use my Oklahoma MADE file!
Then you just follow the instructions on your packaging for adhering fusible vinyl to your onesie. Easy as that!