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What is Freezer Paper?

There were a  lot of great questions yesterday about Freezer Paper.
So I thought I’d make an entire post about it.
I used this so called freezer paper, to make stencils for yesterday’s projects.
(Click here to see them again.)
I also used freezer paper here and here.
It really is some great stuff that can be used for so many things…..and doesn’t cost much at all.
Here’s my box of freezer paper.  All 150 square feet of it.  Plenty for what I need it for.
What is Freezer Paper?
According to Google Definitions: Freezer paper or “grease proof paper” in the UK, is paper with a waxy finish on one side. It is generally used to wrap and protect food that will be frozen, but quilters figured out that they could cut patterns out of the paper and lightly iron it to fabric. …
Where can it be found?
I bought mine at Wal-Mart in the grocery section…..right next to the foil, saran wrap, and wax paper.  I’ve heard others have found it in the same section in the regular grocery store.  So take a look there first.
Here’s a link on Amazon for the same stuff.  If this is sold out by the time you click on the link, search for freezer paper and just make sure that is plastic coated on one side.
What does it look like?  How does it work?
Freezer paper looks just like butcher paper.  Except on one side it has a very thin plastic-y coating.
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On the other side of the paper, it’s untreated and looks and feels just like regular paper.
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How do you use Freezer Paper?
If you lay the plastic-y side down, and then heat it up with an iron (no steam), it sticks to the surface you have ironed it to.  So be careful not to iron it with the smooth plastic side up, or it’ll stick to your iron and cause a mess.  (I’ve never had that happen so I’m just guessing here……but at the same time, it’s not a very thick adhesive so maybe it wouldn’t cause much of a mess.)
After you have used it as a stencil, you just peel it right up.  It is such a light adhesion, that it doesn’t leave any residue on your fabric.  It peels up very easy.  But if you’re painting over the stencil, the plastic-y coating also protects the fabric from anything seeping through.
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Attention Silhouette Users: In the comments yesterday, someone mentioned a great tip about peeling the freezer paper up from the sticky mat.
(Reminder: always lay the freezer paper with the plastic-y side down on your silhouette sticky mat.  Otherwise it won’t peel up.)
She mentioned peeling the mat away from the paper rather than the paper away from the mat.  She said it works best to lay it on the edge of the table and bend the mat away from the paper and peel it away from the paper.  It made sense in my mind, so I’ll have to give it a try.  Thanks for the tip!!
Otherwise, your freezer paper will kind of roll up as you peel it away.  Just like mine did in yesterday’s post.
But even if it does, you can still manipulate it and iron it down a little at a time.  Just be patient with it.
And I think that answers the Freezer Paper questions.  I hope that was useful and I hope you can find some freezer paper somewhere.  It’s an inexpensive tool to use with so many projects!
. . . . .
One more thing…….many of you wonder about the difference between the Silhouette and Cricut craft cutters.  I haven’t used the Cricut but many of you have.  So I’m not a good one to ask about the Cricut.  But here’s an article that compares the two.  I thought it may be helpful.  No biases…….just facts.
Okay, I promise…..last question addressed.
Here is link to what transfer paper is.  Many of you who have never used it, wonder what it is.  Hope that helps.
. . . . .
So if you have been debating over getting a craft cutter of some sort and you decide on the Silhouette Cutter, Silhouette is running a great deal on a brand new machine and on their Premium Vinyl.  (Click here to check out the details.  And be sure to enter ‘makeit’ at checkout to receive the discount.)



Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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