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You ready for a long one??
June 29, 2010 - By Ashley Johnston 57 Comments
Sometimes I get to thinking.
And sometimes I sit and re-evaluate why I blog on this little ‘ol blog. And do you know what I come up with every time? I do it because I really enjoy it.
I love creating new things, I love meeting so many new people, and I love having something turn out just the way I envisioned it (but believe me…there are many projects in the trash!). Oh, and I really get a kick out of making something that I’ve seen at the store and then sharing it with all of you. And most of your reactions are so sweet and so gracious. I love that I can help save us all a few bucks!
And that all brings me to another topic. How this blog actually runs. I am a wife/mom first….and then a blogger. And I love that I can do both. And I feel even more grateful that I have sponsors to make this all possible. I love meeting new sponsors, love their talent, and love sharing them all with you. (Aren’t they great?) But seriously, I really wouldn’t be able to do what I do without their support. So in all honesty, they support the cost of keeping things running. And for that, “thank you sponsors for supporting my creating addiction!” Ha! (And I get a huge thrill to hear of your successes. So keep it up!)
Oh, and a friend of mine suggested I read a blog post by Disney over at
Ruffles and Stuff.
(Can I tell you how sweet that Disney is? Always upbeat and also very clever!) She asked her readers about giveaways and what they thought of them. I read over some of her comments and agreed with some of them. I get a kick out of sharing sweet little shops during a giveaway and I love emailing the winner to let them know it’s their lucky day. Honest. I love that. However, all of the entry possibilities can get a little crazy. And I have been thinking about this a lot over the past few months……so I’m glad it came up. Anyway, I agreed with many of the thoughts posted and will eliminate many of the entry possibilities. I still want them to be fun……but just not so overwhelming. The last giveaway was only one entry and I liked how it turned out. It was simple and easy. Perfect.
And I never have more than one giveaway per week and sometimes there are even a few weeks in between them. And since they seem to help the sponsors……..I’m all for them. And really, who doesn’t like a sweet little something for free to possibly arrive on their door step.
One more thing, while I’m chatting the day away…… Can I tell you how much I love hearing from you!? I always try to reply to emails because it tickles me pink that you would take a minute to send me a message/email/comment or even ask my opinion on something. I’m telling ya, we could all be dear friends. If only plane rides weren’t so expensive.
So, thanks for reading. And thanks for hanging out with me here on this blog.
And sometimes when the blogging is going slow, it may be because I’m sharing the day with one of my little monkeys. By the way, I can’t believe this little one just turned two.
Happy Birthday you bright and cheery little guy!
I will forever have a thing for his cheeks. You are all welcome to come on over to smooch one of them. They are delicious!
(Even though, yeah, that’s more his forehead I’m smooching in the picture…)
Anyway, I just wanted to be really open and honest about sponsors, how much I appreciate them, and how much they do for this blog. (And eek, what would I do without them?!) And yes, as you can see, sometimes I get a little ramble-y, and off topic……whew, so I’ll stop now.
I have said this before but I really wish we could all meet somewhere and have a good chat. Maybe laugh about our quirks, share sewing catastrophes, and then have the best little fabric swap of our favorite samples. Anyone up for a getaway? (I’ll bring the treats!) I would love to meet all of you in person. I’m not kidding.
Enjoy your day.