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BACK TO SCHOOL….and Oliver turned 3!!!

The first day of school is always so hard on my heart.  However, I wasn’t sure I was going to be all that sad this year…..and that’s because this summer we were home more than usual (because of baby Max being so small), so we had a lot more fussing, arguing, and messes this summer.  And, well, a little less patience from a sleep-deprived mom.  So, I’ll be honest, I was craving a little structure and to finally be able to scoot my little ducklings out the door and back to school. ((sigh))

However, once the first day of school arrived last Friday, they suddenly all seemed so small.  And I completely forgot about my exhausted days from this past summer.  I kinda wanted to hoard them to myself for a few more weeks.  Or maybe even a few more years.  Gaahh, these kids grow way too fast!

But ready or not…Ellie, Connor, and Chloe were SO EXCITED for their first day of school!

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They had been planning their “first day of school outfit” for weeks, their backpacks were full of new school supplies, and they were eager to find out which friends would be in their classes.  Eeeeeh, the first day really IS so exciting!!

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This is Ellie’s last year in Elementary school.  Just the thought of her going to middle school next year frightens the HECK out of my entire body.  Ugggh.  But she is SO excited to be in 5th grade.  She has a new found pep in her step, has acquired some much needed confidence lately, and has practiced many, many times what to do when girls get mean.  (Why is that even a thing?!?!  She has had a few encounters with it so far….and it breaks my heart!)

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This sweet girl is one smart cookie though….and I know she’ll do great at this whole 5th grade thing!

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Oh Connor.  This kid is full of life!  And full of super cool “air guitar” moves, apparently.  Haha!  He couldn’t be more excited to start another year of school and keeps reminding me that he is soooooooo ready to be in the “big kid” wing at school!  (If only I could transfer some of that enthusiasm to picking up his dang dirty laundry off his floor. Ha!)

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This kid has a soul of gold.  And an uncontrollable giggle.  His 4th grade teacher will probably have to constantly remind him to zip his lips…..but he’ll win her over with that complimentary charm of his. (Seriously, if you’re having a bad day….come on over.  Connor will fix you right up!)

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Oh, and Chloe….never a dull moment when she’s around!  I still can’t believe she’s not in kindergarten anymore and it troubles my heart with how quickly she wants to grow up.  (Like those ankle boots for example.  She wanted them sooooooo badly.  More than anything else in this whole world, it seemed.  And I think it’s because they make her feel so grown up.  Ha!)  Grrrrr……slow down, girly!

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Chloe is so ready for 1st grade though.  And ready to yak the ear off of yet another teacher! Ha! ;) I can hardly wait for her to come home and tell me about the friends she sat with at lunch, the games they played at recess, and how she got to be the line leader for her class!

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((Sigh))  These rapidly growing kiddos are breaking my heart…..but I’m so happy with the little people they are becoming! :)

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Back to school is fun for the big kids….but guess who was REALLY sad about everyone leaving him?!?!  Yeah, Oliver.  He was so bummed.  He knew something big was coming up though, because he wanted me to set out clothes for him the night before, just like the big kids…..he found his little backpack and set it by the door, just like the big kids…….and he asked me to make him a lunch, just like the big kids.  But when I told him he was going to stay home with me, his little heart broke.  So the big kids surrounded him and loved on him for a minute right before we had to leave.

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And that seemed to cheer Oliver right up…..for a little while anyway!

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Speaking of Oliver!  This little guy turned THREE this summer!  Man, this kid kinda has us all wrapped around his cutie-pie little finger! :)

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Oliver has actually been a little slow in the talking department….but once he hit 3, something kinda clicked, and he started putting all sorts of sentences together.  Funny how that happens almost overnight!  (But thank goodness it did….because the tantrums were getting a little crazy!)

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His favorite things in life are balls, trains, swords, and pretty much anything is big brother Connor is playing or doing.  (Bless Connor’s heart…..he is so patient with his little side kick!)  Oh, and he also likes to pretend he’s a dinosaur! ;)

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Before I know it, Oliver will be joining the other kids and heading off to school.  So for now, I’ll enjoy his constant need for a snuggle (which has to do with Max being around and no longer being the baby) and his budding sense of humor.  Man, this kid has us all cracking up lately!

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I know many of you are sending kiddos off to school right now…..and I hope your “send-off” goes well!

I will definitely be around more and am so excited to finish up some things I’ve been working on!  And ooooh, my favorite sewing holiday is coming up SO SOON!  (Yes, Halloween costumes!)

Talk to you soon….and have a great week!


Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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