I remember when I was a young girl and reaching another birthday seemed to take for-eeeeeeeeeee-ver! Even waiting a few hours for 3 o’clock to arrive so that we could leave for vacation (or something similarly exciting) was TORTURE. I remember watching the clock…..and willing it to speed by. It never worked. Why has all of that changed? Now, the days seem to skip one another and the years seem more like a month. Maybe 2. It’s weird. (The only exception…….sick kids in the middle of the night. Those nights seem to draaaaaaaaaag. Ha!)
So when I say I can’t even believe that my itty-bitty baby Chloe is already 3…..don’t laugh. It really does seem like I delivered her plump little 11 pound self, like 3 months ago.
Crazy how much has changed since she joined this world…..but we are blessed to have little Coco (yes, that’s her nickname that stuck when she was just a baby) in our family.
Nope, I didn’t make the dress. It’s from H&M. Chloe loves cats and I don’t. But it’s her birthday…..so she won! ;)
And when asked how old she is, she perks up her fingers and starts counting each one…….and keeps counting until she reaches 10.
Yep, Chloe, you have 10 fingers…..but how OLD are you??
You got it.
Her birthday is March 2nd but we actually celebrated a few days early…..because Steve had to leave town for a conference. To be honest, we kinda forgot we needed to have her birthday a little early and had to run to the store the night before. Her only request were balloons and Dora party hats. And a pink cake. Okay…..done.
So, I frosted a pink cake with pink lemonade frosting, sprinkled some pearly pink chocolate balls on top, and added a few of her favorite things in life….princesses.
She was in birthday girl heaven!
Elli was the only one prepared and actually made her a birthday card weeks ago and gathered old toys/chapstick from her room and wrapped them all up. She was so proud to read her card to her baby sister. And Chloe’s favorite part……her big sister’s CHAPSTICK!! (I have to explain that Chloe has a serious addiction to chapstick and will steal any tube she can find and will hide herself somewhere and apply 7-8 layers…..so an old tube of chapstick as a gift? A complete HIT!)
Connor, well, he went shopping with me the night before and grabbed her a few Sophia figurines that he knew she would love. And he was right……Chloe was THRILLED!
Grandma Johnston made Chloe several little dollies and Chloe adored each one. She loved and hugged and kissed on those dolls. (And then Elli stole them later that day while Chloe was distracted, and had her own little doll party with the new dollies! Such fun!)
This picture is from my Instagram account (username: makeitandloveit)…..while playing with her dolls after her party. The caption is down below.
Chloe gathered her new bday dolls and said to me, “here, you be the mommy…..I’ll be all your kids.” (That’s not really pretend-fantasy-playtime for me. That’s my real life kid!) #CanIBeTheNaughtyToddlerInstead?
And Grandma Silk’s present arrived a couple days later……she didn’t know we were having the party early. But stretching out the gifts was actually a bonus……and Chloe adores this little doggy and loves doctoring her right up! (video below———>)
Sweet little Coco. You have a contagious smile and an entertaining personality. We all love you from the top of your blond-ish head down to your sparkly dress-up shoes. We adore your spunk and equally appreciate your snuggles and tender little comments. I am grateful each day to be your mommy.
Sweet girl…..thanks for turning 3. An entertaining day indeed. :)
Now, go and enjoy your weekend!
We’ll chat next week.