
Home » DIY Tutorials » DIY Costumes » Happy Halloween….it’s Virtual Costume Parade (2012) time!!

Happy Halloween….it’s Virtual Costume Parade (2012) time!!


Okay, come on, how in the world was I supposed to choose ‘only a few’ of your costumes to share today?!!  Holy smokes…….you have all blown me away.  I kept saying, “oooh, I need to share this one, and oh yes, this one too…..and haha, I HAVE to share this one!”  By the time I had looked through them all, I had narrowed down my selection to 127 pictures.  Dang.  So I had to narrow again.  Bummer.  I don’t have enough hours to save/upload/organize/share them all today.  So, you’ll have to check out every single Halloween costume photo (made by YOU) over at my flickr group.  Hurry, you’ll just smile and smile…..and then laugh.  And then stare in amazement.  They’re THAT good. :)


But here is a nice little sampling of you busy little sewists (or someone you know, who made it for you), making the most beautiful and clever costumes.  I could just squeeze you all.  I think it’s FANTASTIC that so many are having an absolute ball creating costumes for their children/themselves/friends.  It’s kind of exhilarating, right?  And how many of you surprised yourselves when something actually turned out?  Pretty cool feeling, huh?  Careful though……it’s like a drug.  You may find yourself wanting to make every little thing you or your family may need. ;)  (My husband teases me about this all the time.  And sometimes says, “you know, I’m okay with you just buying that!” Ha!)


And who goes first?  Anything ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ related.  Because, well, I’m kinda partial to that theme this year. ;)  And ahhhh, you guys had so many great Red Riding Hood ideas!!  (Did I forget anyone?  If so, let me know.)

Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Wow.  Maybe we should have a party and let all the ‘Little Red’s’ have a little party together.  However, I’m afraid all those mean ol’ wolves will scratch each other up a bit. ;)



Anyway, moving on to so many more ideas.  Once again, I’m inspired.  And have slurped up many new ideas from you all.  (And others have too, I’m sure.)  So, thanks!


Now, let’s pretend that these little beauties are all parading by you… front of your house, or something.  I totally won’t tell if you ‘ooooh’ and ‘ahhhhh’ and maybe clap for your favorites.  Because I had a few similar moments as well.  Ha! :)


And just so you know, I kept making comments as I added pictures and would then delete it.  Because you’ll never get through them all if I keep doing that.  But if you’re anything like me, you have at least 100 things to say about each photo.  Ack, they kill me!!!!! 


So let’s get on with it already.  Ahhhhh, so fun!!

Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Happy halloween….it’s virtual costume parade (2012) time!!
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Did you just die?  Ha.  :)


Remember there’s lots and lots more over at my Flickr group.  Go check them out and I promise, you’ll continue to laugh and smile and ooh and ahh.



Great work to everyone.  And thank you again for sharing.  I can’t think of anything more fun for children (and adults alike), than to dress up and act out their very favorite fairy tale or conquer imaginary worlds as their favorite super-hero would.  The thought that went into all of these costumes is incredible.  All for a day that celebrates imagination; Halloween.


Happy Halloween everyone!  And indulge in all of that guilt-free candy today.  That’s what I’m doing anyway! :)





Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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