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Make an EARPHONE HOLDER…from a mint container (VIDEO included)

Make an EARPHONE HOLDER…from a mint container (VIDEO included)

I love listening to music.  I almost always play some type of music while cleaning the house, driving in the car (talk radio??….no way!), working on the computer, exercising, etc.  I prefer to turn up the music so everyone can hear (like in the car or while while scrubbing those darn dishes)……but there are many times that I need earphones.  When I’m working out is probably when I use them most.  Or when I’m talking on the phone and need my hands free.  So, I always have a pair of earphones in my purse.  And somewhere else around the house.  But those darn things are always a tangled MESS!  It drives me nuts.  I have tried winding them up and tying something around them…..but another problem that creates, is that they become so small, I can’t find them in my purse.

So, Steve and I were chatting about that several weeks ago and I was telling him I needed some sort of case for them.  And of course, I didn’t want to have to buy anything (ha!)……so we started thinking.  Then, he picked up this mint container sitting on his night stand and said, “what about this?”  And that’s when I started gathering all the mint containers in the house (because I have several pairs of earphones)……….and created a little home for each pair of earphones.  Hallelujah!

I can now quickly wind them up when I’m done with them, tuck them into their new holder, and know they’ll be right there when I need them the next time.

And because I always carry a pair in my purse, I decided some sort of clip would be really helpful.  Because now I can clip it to my purse, my gym bag, my car keys, or whatever else I have with me……and then I always know where they are — TANGLE FREE!

You can certainly leave yours plain……but I added little circles of fabric to mine, to give them each a pop of design!

Anyway, I made another quick video of the process…..because, why not? :)  It’s quick but hopefully helpful to see the process actually happen.  (If you’re at work, shhhhh, it’s okay……you don’t need the sound turned up. There are info bubbles that pop up when needed.)

Even though I made them with the purpose of storing my earphones inside, my kids want to use them as little coin cases.  That would be kinda perfect to keep coins from hanging out at the bottom of your bag.

Anyway, gather up your old mint containers and turn them into something useful!

And enjoy!


Make an EARPHONE HOLDER…from a mint container (VIDEO included)


Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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