
Home » DIY Tutorials » DIY Sewing » Okay, time to vote…”What do YOU Want to Make?”

Okay, time to vote…”What do YOU Want to Make?”


Wow… guys have gotten me all excited about this next project that you’d like to vote on and make. 


Several of you asked if we could just make them all.  Ha!  No joke, I’m thinking these may be my next several project ideas, even the ones that don’t win.  When I was gathering inspirational photos to send you…..I had no idea that those actual items would be ones that you’re dying to make.  Kinda perfect, right?


But since I am the worst at actually picking the first one to make first, I’m glad we’re turning this into a vote.  Because sometimes, while trying to decide what to make……these are the types of things that run through my head……”oh yes, can’t wait to make that play house! but wait, a new maxi would be fabulous for summer!  but hmmmm, I want a new duvet cover for my unhappy bed…”  See?  I need focus!




Okay, so voting time.  From the comments, the majority of you wanted the same top 6 things.  So, let’s just vote on those.


And just as a visual reminder……the project will be something similar to the photos below.  (And sorry, just for your very VERY top pick.  Even if you want to make all of them — like I do!)




1. Maxi Dress (…we can vote on the style/type later)

source ::: source ::: source 



2. Play House/Tent/Stage (…we can vote on the style/type later)

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3. Simple Elsa/Anna Dress Ups




4. Basket Weave Curtains

:: source :: 



5. Bedding (…we can vote on the style/type later)

source ::: source ::: source 



6. Nursing Dress/Top

 :: source ::



7. Purse (…we can vote on the style/type later)

 source ::: source ::: source




And may the most loved project win!




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***Sorry, I thought the results would show up here.  I’ll keep you posted as to who’s winning. -Ashley


Edited 5/22/14: 1600+ votes are in and the leading 3 projects right now are the Maxi Dress, the Kid’s Play Tent, and the Purse.



Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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