Wow, it’s July! Can you believe it? I’m not sure where June went. Or May for that matter. I can see summer slipping right out of our hands. Slow doooooown!
Remember how I like to make outfits for certain holidays throughout the year? Christmas, Valentine’s, Easter, Halloween……and yes, even the 4th of July? All I need is a reason to celebrate…….and for some reason, my little heart says, “oooh, ooooh, let’s make a new outfit!!”. As long as my kids will let me, I totally will. (Okay, who am I kidding! I don’t need a holiday as an excuse to make a new outfit. But it’s sure gives me a fun theme to work around. :) )
I know, I know, 4th of July is in 2 days……..but I’m still going to make my kiddos a little something.  However, my ideas are a little too late for any of you to use for the 4th.  Sorry.  (Nope…..haven’t finished them yet. But I’ll still share them.  Probably tomorrow. )
But do any of you need a 4th of July idea to whip up today? Â This one is quick. Â And one of my very favorites.
All you need is a plain white tee, a little scrap Tshirt fabric (cotton knit) in blue and red, and about an hour. Find tutorial here.
Or how about using a little red/white/blue fabric to make any of these designs:
Top Row: Kid Clothes, Ruffled Heart, Diaper Cover, Bow Shirt
Bottom Row: Heart Cut-Outs, Tiered Skirt, Braided Collar Dress, Tie Front Dress
Or maybe you need some cute little boy shorts? Here’s some with front pockets (that you could skip) and some back pocket flaps, found here.
All Clothing Ideas found here.
Or hey, maybe you’re feeding friends and family and need a fun little dessert? Try this one (that my friend Brittany made when she hosted the Make-a-Cake series here on my blog.) It will surely be a crowd pleaser. Flag Cake here.
Anyway, hope you’re having fun getting ready for your 4th of July holiday (well, for those of you here in the US). We won’t be watching fireworks this year (many fireworks shows have been canceled throughout Colorado, due to all the recent fires) but we’ll find a parade, have a bbq, and surely have a nice day celebrating our country’s freedom.
And I’ll be back tomorrow, to show you what I’ve got whipped up for my little ragamuffins to wear on the 4th this year. (They can surely be made for any day attire as well!)
See you soon!