
Home » DIY Tutorials » DIY Holiday » Tissue Dispenser Necklace…perfect for allergy season! (UPDATE: APRIL FOOLS’)

Tissue Dispenser Necklace…perfect for allergy season! (UPDATE: APRIL FOOLS’)

UPDATE (4/2/15): Did you ever scroll down to see the bottom……APRIL FOOLS’!!!!


It is officially spring!  And with that, comes……yep, allergies.  I married a man who has insane allergies that turn him into one miserable mess during allergy season. Unfortunately, he passed some of those genes onto our kids.  Needless to say, our home has a lot of sneezing, wheezing, and puffy eyes this time of year.  And a lot of panicked screams of, “where’s the tissue, where’s the tissue?!?!” 


Oh boy.


Here’s my solution…




So instead of constantly searching for the missing tissue boxes, I’ve created a little necklace for each child to wear.  And when they have even the slightest sniffle, I’m going to insist they wear it to school, to church, over to a play date, etc.  Because one should always have tissue handy.




So, when the tiniest twinge of a sneeze is coming…..just pull on the end of the tissue roll, and bingo, you’re ready for action!




And when the roll of tissue runs out (because we all know it will), just remove an end cap, slide off the ribbon, and add a new roll.  Easy!!




No more holding in those colossal sneezes, worried that you won’t have supplies to clean up the aftermath — just LET ‘ER RIP!!!!




Ready to learn how to put together a tissue dispenser necklace??




Well, good, because you’ll love this thing.




And will want to wear it everywhere.




Especially romantic movies (…cue the waterworks…)




And others will certainly ask you where you found it.




OR, they’ll wonder if you’ve gone crazy wearing tissues around your neck.




Actually they won’t think you’ve gone crazy wearing tissues around your neck, they’ll think you’ve gone crazy wearing TOILET PAPER around your neck.  Ha!



Because ——






 Okay, okay… sorry if I actually tricked you.  Okay, no I’m not. I love this day!  And every year I love it more and more.  But if you’re new around here, clearly you must have thought I’d gone mad.


Here’s the product that actually inspired me:




Hilarious right??  I’m not sure if it’s actually a product that is made to sell…..because I searched and searched but couldn’t find it.  But I keep reading that it is.  Whatever the case — hilarious!!! 



However, once I made these and put them on my kiddos, and then they kept “pretend” sneezing and coughing, I actually thought, “HEY, this is pretty genius!”  It’s actually a real pain to always run and find the tissues when they’re either sick or having allergies. AM I RIGHT??  (And anyone who has ever had a cold, knows the aggravation of the nasal drip!)



So, even though I made these as a joke, I’m totally hanging onto them…..hahaha!!!  Okay, I probably won’t ever use them because the tissue kept coming unwound. And they would get all twisted while they played.  And I can only imagine all the tissue bits left around the house that get torn off by accident.



Oh, how I love April Fool’s Day!!



How are you celebrating April Fools’ Day?!?!  I need to set up some good tricks while the kids are at school.  (And while my husband is at work.  Shhhhh…..)






Ashley Johnston

Administrator at Make It & Love It
Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with the craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, she always chooses crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!

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Hi, I'm Ashley

Hi, I’m Ashley—the DIY-enthusiast behind this crazy blog!

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